Discussion: Former Trump Driver Drops Lawsuit Alleging Unpaid Overtime Work

He did NOT drop the suit. It has been referred to arbitration. Almost certainly, he had no choice. He probably had to sign an arbitration agreement to get the job.

Forced arbitration is one of the great evils that workers face today. Republicans, naturally, think it’s great.


Former Trump Driver Drops Lawsuit Alleging Unpaid Overtime Work

What did Chiselin’ Trump’s putter have to say about that?

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The Trump Organization said in its filing that Cintron was required in June to sign papers requiring some disputes to be handled through arbitration.

He was required to sign papers requiring arbitration, in June, for disputes that might arise related to his twenty years of previous employment!?! How the hell does that work? Was he forced to sign the papers at gunpoint?


I wonder if the Cockholster Cabal will use a retired judge as the arbitrator; a common practice. Maybe they could find an inactive Senior United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Maybe somebody named, oh, I don’t know, Maryanne Trump Barry.

Ah, who am I kidding? The Trump Organization would never stoop to shady dealings like that. No. Never. Ever.

It doesn’t matter anyway because the arbitrator works for his/her client, in this case The Trump Organization.

In other words, Cintron is screwed regardless.


Worked for Frank Sin Johnny Fontaine.


I am assuming that Preshitident Skanky-Manslut’s personal bagman, fixer, thug, procurer and furniture shopping buddy Lara Trump has offered Cintron a six-figure bribe with other white christian conservative donors’ charitable contribution money.

with his olive-oil voice and guinea charm…

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I would guess that promises were made. Or maybe threats. What’s the man’s immigration status?


Five bucks says he got death threats.

Take no promises .