Discussion: Former Senate Intel Staffer Indicted In Leak Case Involving NYT Reporter

Punish the monkey, let the organ grinder go…

Not defending his actions or lying to the FBI, but it sounds like Wolfe saw a lot over a 30 year career and then saw things with Trump campaign guy Carter Page that were beyond what he’d seen before or thought was at all proper in the U.S. Of course, the personal relationship with #2 and his efforts to impress her may have entered into his actions, too. But, what he leaked to the reporters are things the public should know about - unless sources and methods were revealed or national security otherwise put at risk.


The problem here is the legitimacy of the process. Any secret this administration wants to keep is going to tend to be something the public ought to know. Selectively enforcing laws in an authoritarian way isn’t defensible. Maybe Trump can pardon the guy, though, if Snooki or Octomom makes a case for it.


In a free country, information about citizens is protected by law. Information about the government is open to the public.

In a police state, information about the government is secret and he citizen’s lives are open books.

Such total information inversion is necessary to facilitate the crimes of government and to prevent those crimes from becoming public knowledge

As summed up by Al Gore
"By closely guarding information about their own behavior, they are dismantling a fundamental element of our system of checks and balances. Because so long as the government’s actions are secret, they cannot be held accountable. A government for the people and by the people must be transparent to the people. "


So long as that asshole in the Oval Office is in charge, there will be many martyrs. I applaud his bravery.


This is pretty jaw dropping stuff. It’s obviously going to have a chilling effect on whistleblower leaks that the GOP doesn’t like. I would call for a full DOJ investigation into the much graver and egregious leaking of Nunes and staff. Some fight, please, Democrats, before we have a police state on our hands.


Could we have the investigation done by the Canadian Department of Justice? Just to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. Surely that would get bi-partisan support.

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So which judge gave them the OK to get the reporter’s email? Is there precedent for this?

I don’t know everything this guy supposedly leaked, but if it wasn’t sources and methods, and instead was details about how team orange are traitors, then I’d opine that Wolfe is a whistleblower. And if he goes to jail for it, then he’s a hero.