Discussion for article #235538
Perhaps they were scared of being fired once the corruption review was done…
“Rather than put my life in danger more than I do now on a daily basis, I decided to walk away,” Rich Medley, the former assistant police chief, told the Post-Dispatch.
Parma? City of 762?
Let’s recap. These people quit their jobs as a preemptive measure.
Well, if they’re admitting to being that bone-deep stupid, why it’s just a hop, skip, and a jump to the kind of stupid that won’t work for an African-American female who might insist people be treated fairly. I feel pretty confident in making that leap.
My guess is that they anticipated being fired because corruption was open and rampant among employees and officials in the City of Parma. I’m suspicious for a couple of reasons which are not reported in this article:
Local TV news affiliate KFVS reported “Mayor Byrd said the resignation letters cannot be found and that the computers were cleared.”
Also, Byrd is having trouble getting her hands on vital city records like financial statements, meeting minutes, ordinances book, and budgets. They aren’t at City Hall. According to Saint Louis Post-Dispatch
Byrd said she eventually obtained some account statements. A few of those statements showed that city employees routinely used city credit to purchase personal items, and then paid the city back by having money withheld from their paychecks over a period of months.
Ramsey said he allowed the practice because the city did not offer employees benefits, and the wages were low.
“In my mind, I considered it a benefit of the job, like having a credit union,” Ramsey said.
I’m wondering if those folks who quit their city jobs might also flee the area.
Let’s see. Rumors were flying, in a tiny town, where someone they all already knew had just been elected. But no one took the five minutes required to pick up the phone and find out whether the rumors were true, they just tossed up the jobs they had held for years, with no thought of leaving any information for the transition. Right.
“And that’s the only person they asked to stay. They didn’t ask anybody else to stay,” Ramsey said. “So assumptions were made that they were going to be fired.”
“Rather than put my life in danger more than I do now on a daily basis, I decided to walk away,” Rich Medley, the former assistant police chief, told the Post-Dispatch.
The former asst. chief claims he left because he was somehow going to be in danger, but the former mayor claims they quit because they thought they’d be fired.
What kind of dumbass quits their job because they thought they were going to be unfairly fired? Anyone with a lick of sense would’ve at least waited around to see if their worst fears would be realized and/or would’ve waited to be fired so that they could collect unemployment or find out if there was potential to sue to get their job back. These guys are either complete morons who have no business being police and their resignations were nothing more than a adult temper tantrum, most likely in a silly attempt to punish the voters and make the new mayor look bad. I love that it’s blowing up in their faces so spectacularly.
I hope that their quitting also frees the citizens from having to pay any pensions.
Come on now and be big boys. You quit because you were not going to let a black woman be your BOSS. Admit it.
Shorter Former Mayor: These are not the bigots you are looking for.
So first it was safety concerns…now it’s because they thought they’d be fired.
Wonder what the next story will be.
They quit because the mayor’s husband’s half sister’s little cousin’s wife’s hairdresser posted on Facebook about how much she enjoyed Ride Along starring Ice Cube, and Ice Cube was in NWA which had a song called Fuck The Police, so they felt their lives were truly in danger. That’s about as credible as the previous excuses.
And also because of all the shit they’d been stealing from the town.
Seriously, the new Mayor should call the state Police and/or FBI. The whole town civil service must have been on the take.
I love that line. Still laughing from yesterday. Even Chief Wiggum would have trouble saying that with a straight face.
“According to the Post-Dispatch, the city treasurer kept certain documents in a separate office.”
(An old cardboard box labelled “underwear” down at the public storage.)
"Rather than put my life in danger more than I do now on a daily basis…
Oh, da poor widdle man.
I’m sorry, but I just find this statement coming from this moron to be hilarious. What is it with these fake macho men? Pathetic.
Oh my.
Paid the city back, eh?
Oh my.
There’s going to be a lot of stuff revealed that the former mayor and those who quit their jobs wish could be kept secret.
The fact that city records are missing, and that city employees used city credit cards for personal purchases, will lead to a federal investigation.
This reminds me of the small California town that paid its mayor and some officials hundreds of thousands a year in bogus salaries and benefits.
This is going to be very, very messy.
And a lot of fun.
I’m still trying to figure out how this is Obama’s fault. I’m pretty sure we’ll get to that explanation from the ex-Mayor pretty soon.