Discussion: Former Israeli Ambassador Says Netanyahu Should Cancel Speech To Congress

Vox also has the Fox News blowback on Netanyahu. It is Shepherd Smith and Chris Wallace.


Netanyahu, should remember Cuba.

All President Barack Obama has to do is to accord a diplomatic recognition to a Palestinian State within the 1967 Boundaries in line with UN resolution and the Palestinian Authority under Abbas as its legitimate Government.

The whole world will follow and that will be end of the Israeli ambition on the West Bank. It is the same strategy that lead to the creation of Israel in 1948. Then, it was the USSR that first recognized Israel even before the US did.

Bibi , remember Obama has almost 2 years left in his presidency.


When the UN votes on whether to recognize a Palestinian state, Obama should instruct our ambassador to abstain from vetoing the resolution. That would teach Bibi a lesson.


Actually, they elected the moderate, Tzipi Livni; but she wasn’t able to form a government so Netanyahu got the chance, and was able to cobble a coalition together with every crazy right-wing fringe party in Israel. To the country’s continued peril.


I’m no political scientist, but the No party had no plan on how to govern, what their agenda might be or its priorities, hadn’t thought about economic issues but only social hence the rush to pass a bill about abortion, and the so-called leadership can’t keep their mavericky right wing in line. When the SCOTUS rules on same sex marriage some time very soon it is expected to rule that it is constitutional in all 50 states. The leaders will say let’s move on, it’s settled, but too many wayward R (Huck, Santo, Cruz et al) will press the issue and force the party to take a for or against position. That will be a big tub of popcorn moment.


I’ve written to my Nancy, and if she’s inclined she could (and should) encourage a lot of no shows among the Democrats.


I get so sick of Israel saying it’s their land. If you press them, they will say God gave it to them. Or, maybe Great Britain gave it to them. Bullshit!

If I wanted to give land to my kids, I would give them land that I owned and that was not inhabited. I wouldn’t say, “Look as far as you can see, it’s all yours. All you have to do is go murder everyone who lives on it.”

Israel has no special; right to this land. They were scammed by a God or someone pretending to represent a God.


Nice idea but no American President will take that step.

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[quote=“SerendpitousSomnambulist, post:19, topic:15915”]
John Boehner seems more incompetent, ignorant and inept than Darrell Issa and George Bush combined. [/quote] And that right there is the only reason he keeps getting re-elected.

America fucks it self - over and over again.


actually it’s more disgusting than funny…

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Next time Republicans talk about shutting down our government, Israel should be at the top of the list for late and reduced payments.

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“…President Barack Obama will not meet with Netanyahu…”

Good for starters.

Netanyahu has made it clear his interests are not America’s interest.


I doubt he will do anything of the kind. It is pretty scandalous.

Senate quorum is 51, and I assume that it is passed with the same mechanism as any other proposed resolution in either chamber, so they would presumably need 60 votes in the Senate to agree to one.

Almost positive a joint session must be agreed to through a resolution passed in each chamber.

Boner is afraid Obama will make him sit at the kid’s table.

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I am not saying the Bibi is a crook but you should look back to the 1997 end of his first term as PM. I think he made up with his wife after messing around with another woman by offering her a little extra $$ from under the table.

shouldn’t he be attending the funeral of his pal king abdullah?

Abdullah is already in the ground. They had him buried the same day.

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I think that Democrats should walk out as group during the speech the second that Netenyahu says anything inflammatory, which is of course a certainty.