Color me not convinced.
Blatt decried the Senate GOP’s treatment of Obama nominee Merrick Garland but urged Democratic senators not to hold that against Kavanaugh
Sure just let by gones be by gones Thats what Republicans would do
I have seen commercials on cable TV, MSNBC, of a liberal female attorney who supports Kavanaugh. Not sure if it is she.
In other words, Kavanaugh is the difference between getting mauled to death by rabid bears as opposed to being torn to shreds by blood-thirsty sharks…
She is a lawyer who works for a firm that represents many republican interests and she will be arguing for those clients so its easy to see why she is full of shit.
The DC Revolving Door has swung, as it seems to always do. She now represents corporations that will richly benefit from a toady like BK. One would think that her current context (that pays her salary) would be covered in this article.
Consider for yourself:
I was hoping for someone with a little humanity, at least a touch of empathy, and someone with some sense that the law should protect the little guy from bullies who just have more power and a willingness to abuse that power. That does not really seem too much for me to hope for, and so I decline to accept the proposition as offered. (We may not be able to stop this nomination, but let us not pretend that it is anything other than what it really is.)
It’s all well and fine that he’s the best Liberals Could hope for, but it would be nice if some basis were given for that opinion, like maybe he’s a conservative in name only and won’t be so virulently right-wing?
Hey Other Former Clerks of Justice Ginsburg…Chime in?
Sounds like a Butina.
I think it’s the same individual.
At the very least, I would like an example of a decision that Kavanaugh would make and how it would be “better” than one made under the same circumstances by a truly virulent right-wing judge. Without such an example, I have to assume that they are one and the same.
Don’t you feel lucky? It could be so much worse!
Speaking of and to He, Trump, Kavanaugh declared:
“No president has ever consulted more widely or talked with more people from more backgrounds to seek input about Supreme Court nomination.”
Shameless toady, or a paragon of “judicial temperament”?
Ms. Blatt’s assertion reminds me of the old adage: the optimist believes we live in the best of all possible worlds; the pessimist fears this may be true.
Follow the money folks. Find out who got what from where. There’s invariably moolah at the end of this.
Grassley said today that this current situation is revenge for Bork. Not his exact words, but close!
She is right, Dumpty could have nominated David Duke.
Grassley only brought up Bork today, so obviously all is forgiven. Whoops - sorry Valgalky23 - didn’t see yours!
She contributed $2500 to Scott Pruitt. She’s a corporate lawyer masquerading as a principled liberal. Disgrace.