Discussion: Former Fox News Contributor: 'Trump Idolaters Are Destroying The Network'

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I am developing a small amount of respect for Peters. Half a loaf, one might say, but he’s speaking the truth, finally.


What he says about FOX has been true since it was invented expressly for those sycophantic and idolatrous purposes in 1996. Ailes wanted rightwing propaganda; Murdoch wanted money and influence with power brokers. They both got their way.


You took their money for 10 years and you were a cheerleader for military intervention. No redemption for you, you corrupt fuck.


Fox “News” always was the Republican Party cheerleader. It’s just more obvious now.


“Destroying the network”? Who gives a shit about a TV station. What matters is that they are destroying the FUCKING COUNTRY.


Peters concluded his op-ed by stressing “there are many honorable and talented professionals at the Fox channels”

There probably are. The secretaries, the janitors and the makeup crew.

Your organization spent years spewing lies, steering people away from rational thought and became ground zero for personal insult as a regular part of political debate. Now you’re surprised?


I think the assumption amongst those on Fox, and the viewers, is the country is already destroyed. Fox was the last hope to save it.


“Are destroying”? I think the past passive participle is called for here.


At least Karma caught up with Ailes…took a while though.


I heard of a pastor on the internet recently declaring that a man can not serve two masters.
From the Fox viewer’s perspective, Col. Peters has obviously decided to remain with the deep state.


These people, including this man, are the worst sort of Enablers. As harshly as I do hope History judges president Frankenputz, I hope historians will drive these people into a far corner of the dustbin of History, where the other garbage of dictators past are fit to be ridiculed and eventually forgotten.
And for the record, former military rank, in this case, doesn’t cut any more mustard with me than it does for those cheap brass hats, Kelly and McMaster.
If “military men” are to be held to some sort of bogus “Higher standard” for their voices and their experience and the value of their advice, why are the same standards not to be applied and lived up to when they sell that same rank and experience for money and or fame?
How I miss someone like Dave Hackworth instead of green tinted phonies like this one.


o, no. now fox’s credibility is tarnished.


Would “a lot of people might think they already were destroying” be the past passive-aggressive participle?


Exactly. What is different today than what FOX was like under Obama? Remember the attacks he received when he ordered the mission to get Osama Bin Laden? Under a Republican Administration, it would have been hailed as a genius, brave, unprecedented move. But a black Democrat was in office, therefore it was sneered as a move intended to score political points and a military victory that had nothing to do with Obama.

I guess I’m glad people are paying attention now, but the new boss is same as the old boss.


Meh. It sounds more to me like he’s trying to get a job on CNN or MSNBC and has realized people who have associated themselves with trump don’t have good long-term employment prospects. This POS worked at FOX long enough to have as much ownership of the current state of the GOP and American Political discourse as any other right wing jihadi. Save your respect for people who actually deserve it.


Seems to me any prospective employers would have to consider how long it took him to figure out how Fox worked. Seems a bit slow-witted.


I’m going to cut him the same slack I would have cut the Soviets during WWII: the Soviets were horrible bastards in many ways, but they were our temporary allies in fighting Hitler. I’ll worry about Peters’s past and future stances after Trump is gone.


Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Even the most watched cable “news” station in the country can’t wash off the filth that is Donald Trump. This country will never improve beyond a snail’s pace with Fox News around, hopefully Donald’s reverse midas touch is the first big step in that cancerous organization going bankrupt.


…whereas before Trump they were a paragon of journalistic integrity?

Props to this guy, but really, I don’t remember any golden age of respectability for Fox.