Discussion: Former Congressman And Gingrich Ally Won't Vote For Donald Trump

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Weber was one of the mores sensible Republicans when he was in Congress. Which undoubtedly helps to explain why is a former congressman.


I hope someone plots the number of defections vs time.


When you start to lose the lobbyists, then you’re really in trouble.


You have to love a guy that can employ an oxymoron with such aplomb.


I’m fantasying an “I am Spartacus” moment. A public gathering of Republicans who stand up one by one and say “I am voting for Hillary.”


This is a breathtaking response. This man is going the Mexican route. He wants to refrain from voting for a man likely to cause a nuclear war.**

** According to Schmoe Jarborough

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I would also appreciate another two graph lines, to be featured alongside the “defections” line:

  • Plotting the relative danger of Trump to world security
  • The %'s & numbers of people ready to imprison Les Moonves and other MSM tools for enabling Trump

Imma gonna have to get me a bigger piece of paper. The abandoning rats list is getting too long.

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Sheeeetttt…these ratfkers are just positioning themselves to scream ‘IT’S NOT MY FAULT’ if God forbid, Trump should win. They DIDN’T do it when GWBush was the President and then tried to blame the economy collapsing on Barney Frank and everything ELSE on the Dems…they’ve been weaving conspiracy theories for 8 years around Obama and NOW the writings on the wall that they’ve reaped what they’ve sown and they really don’t want to get ‘blamed’. Cowards.


"I think markets would collapse," he told CNBC in the phone interview, rattling off a series of fears he harbors about Trump’s candidacy including the fact that Trump could leave the country "in shambles."

Trump: Didn’t George Bush do just that? And look where we are now.

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“How to Win Friends and Influence People” is not on Trump’s “reading” list. And that’s a good thing. He’s using the Ted Cruz model of pissing off your friends as well as your enemies. Keep up the good work, Donny! President Hillary Clinton will forever be in your debt. Just as you steamrolled a weak field in the primaries, I do hope you lose in a landslide. I’ll be quite happy if/when you lose, in any case.

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I think its more likely we see a reverse Bradley effect of sorts…where Hillary does much better in the voting booth than what GOPers are telling pollsters.

A lot of them are trying to convince themselves that simply not voting for Trump will be good enough. But unless she is in double digits in the final weeks, I think they will realize that its not good enough…they have to vote someone sane instead of taking the risk of Trump.


…and there you have it.

“Trump may do irrevocable damage the Republican Party if he wins in November.”

Fuck the country. The GOP is in danger!!11!!


They’re worried but real panic confirmed only If GOP moves forward on Merrick Garland.

Trump will build America a new, Trumpian lobby. With gold furniture of great style and tasteful decor. Melania, who has an architecture degree, will oversee a portion of the design.
It will be a sacrifice on Trump’s part, but he will do it if it gets him a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

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To the lifeboats, women and children first!!


“I think markets would collapse,” he told CNBC in the phone interview, rattling off a series of fears he harbors about Trump’s candidacy including the fact that Trump could leave the country “in shambles.”

But, notice, why is he worried about these things happening? Because it will hurt the Republican party! Even the “reasonable” ones have no concern whatsoever for the country.

Yeah…People who read books. People who want civilization. People who, basically, can juxtapose their GOP orthodoxy with the disaster that Trump represents and come to The Right Conclusion.

For themselves, mainly. But, I’ll take that.

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just paste additional pages together. you are going to need a bigger bottle of paste.