“Did you hear what I just said? Already great nation,” he said,
emphasizing each word with finger-pointing. “Donald, did you hear me?
Already great nation."
Sometimes the slow hafta be told the OBVIOUS. Didja hear me Trump? So sue me.
I never understood why anyone would believe that stupid line.
A black man pointing his finger at and mocking Drumpf? Twatterstorm is 5, 4, 3, 2, …
Particularly a great nation for people who committed crimes like torture and murder and rape, and weren’t prosecuted for them by Holder. But all those marijuana smokers…they belong in Federal Pens.
Holder can go to hell…
You first.
I tend to cut people slack, but you’ve lost me forever.
And you’ll never figure out why Bernie lost minorities so handily. You, you’re part of the problem. Sad.
I hear ya georgeh. Holder was and is a real POS. And it goes way back.
And perhaps you’ll never understand why Obama and Holder’s failure to prosecute the horrific war crimes of the last administration so obviously exposes the two-tiered system of so-called justice in America.
No wonder Holder thinks its so great. Maybe it is not so great for those tortured, killed, and raped under Bush and Cheney et. al…
No, Mr. Holder, our nation is not great. But it was, right up until January 20, 1981.