Discussion: Following Subpoena, Trump Jr Will Privately Testify Before Senate Intel Wednesday

Oh, well, I am sure they all have their softball questions all lined up to coo at Butthead, to make him feel welcome and protected…


There is no mention of whether or not there will be a transcript (perhaps privately testifying implies NO). If there is no transcript then the Republicans will likely not even ask softball questions… they can use the time to knock the Democratic presidential primary field

He’ll walk out claiming full exoneration.
And where’s Kushner?


Especially Tom Cotton and Marquitos Rubio. Susan Collins will require extra hydration and two containers of moisturizing cream after all her hand wringing.


And a gallon of Botox to smooth the wrinkles of concern on her brow


If the committee demonstrates Junior was untruthful in past testimony at least we know it doesn’t mean he lied. Misled maybe. Failed to be fully candid. Falsified his testimony. But he didn’t lie. A Trump cannot lie. Ask anyone in the media writing a story about one of them. They don’t lie. Article headlines prove it. Even TPM gets in on the act:

"Judge Hints Trump Admin Misled Court About Voter Fraud Panel Appointment Dates"


Well this could be fun, too bad we don’t get to watch as Senators ask Jr. Trump so what did you mean by “peripherally aware”? Does it mean that Jr. attended 10 meetings and was too busy texting girlfriends to pay attention? Was he playing Words with Friends? Watching a movie perhaps? Maybe they’ll start with asking him what his duties were at that time in the Trump Org.? Did you have to get the covfefe, or were you assigned bagel boy duties?


So how come the White House isn’t stonewalling or suing somebody on this one?

How can Junior testify in front of an intelligence committee?


I expect we will have a lot of ‘I don’t remembers’ and fifth amendment nonsense. That’s in addition to Daddy saying executive privilege to delay the testimony.

I expect this will be a big nothing.


Well if it was the house he wouldnt show, so I dont expect much.

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Testify? Don’t you mean lie?

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Private is OK. I didn’t want to watch the blow job.


“Did I say ‘peripherally aware’?” I meant to say ‘myopic’. I can’t see further than my immediate self interests. It runs in the family. Bone spurs too…”


I am not going to google it, but your comment reminded me about a news story or perhaps a movie where a plastic surgeon (hilariously, yuk yuk) named his yacht, The Boatox. She would need a boatload of botox.

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The hard part will be when his counsel advises him to neither confirm nor deny that he is Donald Trump’s son.


Time to rip Beavis a new one.

So it’s ok to respond to a senate subpoena but not one from the House.
Ok then, proceed with the softball questions y’all.


Beavis is the blond one with the gums (Qusay). Please make a note of it.