Who gives a fuck about Flynn’s childhood? Seriously–it’s 1500 friggin’ words.
Shouldn’t this cracklicker be in custody? Why are we making it easy for the Russians to drown his ass?
Lock him up already.
“Have you seen that in the news? They talk about Mike as a traitor? The thought of that is absolutely insane to me,”
Me, too, buddy, me too. I mean, the thought that a US Army lieutenant general would sell out his country, corrupt the election process and get a too-many-adjectives-to-list asshole elected president is absolutely insane. And yet apparently the taxpayers weren’t paying him enough for him to distinguish between right and wrong.
And in other news, I’m starting a GoFundMe account to send him a ticket to surf in North Carolina.
Where’s a riptide when you need one?
OMG this piece is hilarious! Are we sure this isn’t an Onion work?
“It is sort of ’70s, loosey-goosey style, and Mike grew up in that culture.”
“Michael became known for his skateboarding style and boldness in the water.”
“voted “best looking” in his high school yearbook”
Thanks for the laugh this morning.
The guy is a classic Irish hot head and certainly carried career grudges that an ROTC guy would hold against the service academy elites. Like Trump, his resentments are also fueled by the fact that he isn’t as smart as he thinks he is- his academic background shows that- which has led him to be, at best, ignorant when he gets conned. Throw in some late career greed and the results are obvious.
Of course the hometown folks will say he’s a great guy. This is Rhode Island, where local criminals routinely get a pass because “he’s a good guy” " he never hurt anybody" “he was just playing the game like everybody else, just got caught” bullshit. It’s standard fare around here. I surf, so I respect that he does. It’s a wholesome sport. Everyone is equal in the water. But he’s still a traitor, though perhaps willfully/stupidly blind to what he did.
“Have you seen that in the news? They talk about Mike as a traitor? The thought of that is absolutely insane to me,” said older brother Jack.
Jack must have been in a coma for the past year.
Not staying at his dacha in Russia (Crimea)? What kind of patriot is he?!
If I had half the money he had, I would have retired, do just that, and live off the interest…I really don’t understand the obsession for more money so many folks seem to have.
Really? This conspirator with the Russian Federation needs a “fluff piece” quoting family and childhood friends about his phony patriotism? So, he’s surrounded by apologists and more phonies confusing their lowbrow beliefs with being a patriot…
Note to Michelle Smith and Jennifer McDermott: Nobody gives a shit that he can surf.
So the re-branding of Flynn as nice guy has begun, good job TPM.
Russians, what Russians?
Yep, very disappointing to see TPM publishing a fluff piece that could have been (and probably was to a large extent) written by his publicist.
“Have you seen that in the news? They talk about Mike as a traitor? The thought of that is absolutely insane to me,” said older brother Jack.
Sure have, asshole older brother. I also saw your traitorous little brother starting up chants of “Lock Her Up!” and spreading wacko conspiracy theories about pedophile sex rings in pizza joints. THAT’s the shit that’s insane.
This is Josh being “Fair and Balanced”,
I don’t think it’s written by the TPM crew. I am sure they will know, how to rip Flynn a new one, when the time is right.
I’m surprised he hasn’t sought “sanctuary” in Moscow. Kim Philby did.
I’ve had enough of (false) “equivalence” journalism. It’s part of the reason we are in this messed up situation.
" I love the smell of napalm in the morning. "