Discussion for article #244343
Good riddance.
In “Dick” Tracy’s mind, this only proves that the conspiracy goes deeper than he ever imagined.
The term “Rings of Hell” is not adequate for this occasion.
I can’t hate these Sandy Hook “truthers” enough.
THEY don’t wANt the TRUth to COME OUT AbOUT OHbummer’s faKE sandy HOOK GUN Grab Plan. THEY don’t want yOU to KNOW that OHBummer’s JaDE HELM FEMA reeducation Camps was Thwarted by true American PATRIOTs, and THEY don’t wANt YOU to Know that Benghazi was An Ohbama-Clinton Conspiracy TO Whatever anti-American plot they CONjured UP which isn’t entirely clear, BUt what is CLEar is Benghazi.
I disagree with you, Eustace. There is a Mexican memo which links W.C. to this entire mess.
More later.
I demand proof that this professor ever existed. I can prove he is a crisis professor actor. Just look at that blurry photo with the beady eyes. Those books on the shelf behind him are photoshopped!
It’s a grand conspiracy by left-wing higher education types to fly a false flag and make it look like there is no effort to take away our second amendment rights!
Some humans can convince themselves of anything. Proof isn’t needed. And if real authentic evidence be presented they will deny it’s veracity. Take Orly Taitz for example. She has been given mountains of proof ghat Obama was really born in Hawaii as claimed yet refuses to accept it. Tracy has taken this illness a step or three further and denies the victims of Sandy Hook ever even existed. That he harassed a family over this tragedy should be grounds for several things
Termination of employment
an intervention by family & friends
serious therapy
then when well…jail time.
I suggest this because there exists the potential for this guy to do something physical to the affected family if his illness isn’t addressed.
The scary part to me is the guy in the image is a doppelganger of a faculty member I knew well.
Professor: Can I now have my own radio show and/or be a permanent presence on Fox?
Wonder what anti-government group will be the first to let him into their ranks. Its that or the Golden Arches.
You and I (plus multitudes of others) are aware, of course, that your post is not snark.
I’m guessing that there is now a conservative in favor of strict tenure rules
I can hear him already on FoxNews: “My first amendment rights have been violated! Liberty University, here I come!!!”
The 9/11 Truth nuts used to be the ones I could not tolerate the most. But these assholes take it to a new level. 9/11 Nuts have accused people of covering up the plot, etc. These assholes are telling people that their kids who got shot to death were either non-existent, or some of them just say they were shot by the “gubbermint”. And saying it is one thing. These people confront the parents. That’s as depraved as you can get.
Good. Unfortunately I’m sure this will not affect the canard that you can’t fire a tenured professor.
Yeah, but a college yesterday also fired a professor who had the temerity to wear a headscarf in unity with Muslim women and claim that Muslims and Christians worshiped the same god.
Good grief. He was warned multiple times, ignored the warnings, claimed he didn’t get the second e-mail, admitted using university resources after denying that he had done so, etc.
If I were his grievance officer, I’d be banging my head against a wall right now. The University was probably looking for a way to nail him, and he just handed it to them with his failure to respond to any of the multiple communications.
But I gotta admit: the “conflict of commitment” clause in their CBA makes me a teensy weensy bit queasy. Wonder why they agreed to that language in the first place. Seems awfully vague.
I’m glad he’s fired, I understand that he basically gave the university a boatload of reasons, and I loathe Sandy Hook Truthers…but that “conflict of commitment” is concerning.