Discussion: Florida Lawmaker: Common Core Officials Will Turn Kids Gay (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #222927

Why, oh, why are elected officials in my State so effin’ stupid?


The guy who talks about “double mindedness” has no mind, so how would he know.


In the future the vast majority of people will laugh at these fools and their ridiculous scare tactics, as I do now.


Because not enough of us in FL get the hell out and vote. That’s all it would take to lose these guys in five or six years.


Is there a secret breeding camp deep in the South that creates these nut cases ? Are they designed Gray haired, grumpy, prejudiced, old farts?


!!! Words fail me!


"A Florida GOP lawmaker on said in a March speech . . . "

And I’m expected to continue reading? To decipher whatever you intended to be the English language?

Charles may be right–Common Core has already turned conservatives into paranoid assholes…wait, they were already paranoid assholes before C.C., so maybe he’s wrong after-all. Never mind.


There’s goofs like this everywhere. I’m represented in Congress by a guy like this, never mind the state house. And it’s cold and snowy in the winter and I have to drive two hours to fish in salt water. And the rum selection is fair at best in most stores. So count your blessings, I guess.


This is easy. Van Zant simply admitted to his bisexuality, like Pat Robertson, Jemimah Fallwell, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and all others before him.

The “choice” only belongs to bisexuals. For str8s and gays, there is no choice. I am forever amazed at how many religious extremists submit their bisexuality for public scrutiny without ever realizing what they have admitted. And, of course, the media never calls them on it. Because . . . BENGHAZI! Shiny object over here, cameras! Look this way! Ignore the reich wing man behind the curtain!


Where do they find people with this level of stupid, delusion, and paranoia?


I guess Michelle’s speech in Topeka wasn’t news?

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“[Common Core] will promote double-mindedness in state education and attract every one of your children to become as homosexual as they possibly can.”

Well, it finally happened: The right wingers have begun to parody Eustace.


“I’m sorry to report that to you,” he continued. “I really hate to bring you that news, but you need to know.”

He’s not sorry at all. He loves spreading his insane ramblings.


Don’t feel special. There seems to be plenty of “teh stooped” to go around in state legislatures these days.

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Here’s what I just don’t understand about this: with everything that’s supposed to “turn kids gay” - Disney movies, cartoons, now the school curriculum - why isn’t the percentage of gay people in the population a whole lot larger? Seems like if that’s the goal they’re doing a pretty poor job of it.


Hey, if you’re gonna steal, steal from the best!

OTOH That “double-mindedness” gem does seem like a Eustace creation, doesn’t it?


O.K., I just read the linked article and now I have the context. From the Article:

AIR has an active practice area creating materials for schools on LGBT Youth issues, in which it studies the youngsters’ experiences and offers recommendations for how to help them survive a world that can be harsh and judgmental… AIR only provides materials on gay and lesbian issues to schools and organizations that request it. It also does similar work in the areas of bullying and substance abuse in addition to its efforts in education, health and workforce matters.

Sounds like a good deal to me. This bozo would probably be just as upset at the National Academy of Science for providing information and assistance in developing curricula for teaching evolution or cosmology to science classes.

Oh, I just did a Wikipedia check on American Institutes for Research [AIR]. They appear to be a well respected Organization. Their mission statement is:

AIR’s mission is to conduct and apply the best behavioral and social science research and evaluation towards improving peoples’ lives, with a special emphasis on the disadvantaged.

Guess someone must have edited out the bit about: “shoving the gay agenda down people’s throats.”

Egad, what a miserable waste of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and trace elements this idiot is.


Screw the future. Let’s start now!