“As soon as the coyotes’ trailers get here!”*
For those if any who don’t know, coyote is slang for the “Principal and Transportation Co-ordinator” of an undocumented “Labor Exchange”.
Interesting I saw an ad for a Mr. Roof roofing company and none of the folks in the ad were non-white and I just had to laugh because in the RDU area I don’t think I’ve seen a non-hispanic roof crew in decades. About the same with painting.
Really they are going to rebuild? Seem like a really ridiculous statement to make. Hopefully when they rebuild they follow better government enforced building standards.
Skeletor Scott: I am already working my Medicare scam again, so we’ll have ooodles of Blue State tax revenue to play with.
Shorter Small Govt Governor: I want Federal govt to pay me $Billions for rebuilding preceded by tax cuts for billionaires like me.
Me neither, in California. Now, they’re legal–mostly, I think. Edit-was thinking Hispanic but actually I mean non-white. The maintenance staff here are buddies with the contractor guys. All non-white from all over.
As soon as he and his cronies find a way to skim a lot off the top, they’ll be on the job!
I don’t know if their are legal, and don’t care a whole lot. I figure they are just folks trying to make a living and following the work. A lot of mason crews seem to be hispanic also. I’m sure it mostly driven by the availability of work and the great exchange rates of dollars to pesos, et. al.
It’s an observation, I don’t care either if they’re legal.
And they will rebuild on all the same places with all the same degraded building regs and continue to fill in flood controlling wetlands and then plead for dollars to rebuild when it all happens again next year or the year after.
“We’re going to get this state rebuilt.”
Yeah, and you’ll be fighting tooth and nail to do it in a way that gentrifies minority communities in order to disperse them and/or force them out. We’re watching…
Socal perspective here. Construction crews (and also most foremen) here are pretty much all Hispanic, but we’re also near the border. Doubt they’re all legal, and no one that I’ve met cares. They’re damn hard workers, and most are good too. Ever see Mexican stonework? It’s amazing.
This one comes to mind