Discussion: Florida Gov. Rick Scott Is Floating Running For Senate In 2018

Discussion for article #234441

After 2014, it seems that in a non-presidential year anything is possible. Plus, he still has most of his horcruxes.


Did he stab somebody with his lapel pin? It looks like there’s blood on it…

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  • Florida
  • Off-year election
  • TeaBaggers
  • Old People
  • Heapin’ helpin’ of clueless

Lurch looks like a winner on this one


Floriduh - were a guy who should’ve gone to prison for insurance fraud gets elected Governor (twice!), and would probably have a chance of succeeding were he to run for US Senator.
Florida voters: Please! keep this asshole out of Washington. Its the least you folks could do after fucking up the Gore-V-Dubya election.

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My thoughts exactly. Non presidential election year when only hard core haters come out.

Run, you monster. With a Democratic president, you’ll get beaten like a gong (also suspect he knows he couldn’t win again as Governor). This is probably bad news for FL for the next three years as Scott tries to shore up his Koch-ability.

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Funniest thing I’ve heard today. Right after Trump for President.

I still can’t believe this guy won re-election.

Political analysis agree that he has a lock-down on the white, Dementor and Death Eater blocs of voters.

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That Rick Scott’s a floater alright.

Its far too in the future to even consider this remotely a serious toe dipping. The focus in Florida is on Rubio’s seat, which apparently the Dems are clearing the stage for Patrick Murphy, given the Crist and Wasserman Schultz announcements over the past week.

Let’s lock that race down before we start worrying about Valdermort.

…in the TeaPotty.

Float, Rick, Float!!