Is it just me, or do so many Republican women have freakishly similar facial features?
Jesus Fucking Christ.
Is it ungenerous of me to observe that that woman is a good advertisement for full-face veils?
I have to vote in Baptist church every election. If I can withstand that insult, Ms. Hate can take it too.
Beyond ironic…
“Anybody espousing Sharia law and running an Islamic center, to me that’s incompatible with free elections, democracy, our constitution,”
This is an outstanding example of an ignorant assclown… Our Constitution says a few words regarding religious freedom and democracy… separation of church/cult and state.
This is our repugs hard at work screwing reality to the wall.
It is, but you can freely criticize her ignorance, stupidity and offensiveness.
Uh oh… wait until The Right Honorableish Florida GOPer finds out there are books in the referenced library – not good, not good at all.
Is “brain-dead twit” insulting?
Not in a mosque. The Founding Fathers intended that all polling places be Christian, dontchaknow.
I had a few in churches, but usually lately it’s schools or community rec centers which I assume is to get rid of any complaints.
Are you supposed to use the U.S. flag as wallpaper?
I’m pretty sure any “supposed to” got thrown out when Trump announced his candidacy.
Once again…Republican + Florida = Asshole.
God, how many times must I tell you?
Some groups, including the Florida Family Association, have used fringe websites like Creeping Sharia to push their claims that Bassem Alhalabi, the president of the Islamic center and an engineering professor at Florida Atlantic University, has ties to Islamic terrorism. Alhalabi vehemently denied those claims in a Tuesday interview with TPM, and the university has affirmed its full support for his reputation.
I hope Bucher is listening, because this is what happens when you give these assholes an inch by bowing in the slightest to their racists fantasies.
I find it really sad that the rest of the world thinks that people like this represent American values. Unfortunately, Trump is driving home the point that they do.
Since they all wear the same type hoods, it leaves an imprint.
I’m guessing she’s a big fan of Bloody Mary’s, along with her WHITE toast, in the morning.
DUH! we are after all talking about religious law… re: Canon Law, Rabbinical Law, etc, etc, etc…Abrahamic religious law at that.
For the idiots, remember that The Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.