Discussion for article #235643
Hmm, I wonder what political party most frat members will follow when they grow up?
Is this not a Jewish based frat? I would have never thought the Jewish would be this way but since they treat Palestinians with such vitriol hatred obviously they didnt learn the lessons of the Holocaust…sad…
Speaking as a ZBT and a veteran, WTF!
“Cope said she believes the students knew they were insulting veterans because the guests were wearing caps and T-shirts indicating they are veterans.”
That may be giving them too much credit.
Tomorrow’s Republican Congressmen and Ministers!
Maybe they should be put on Double Secret Probation.
End their easy life of privilege and draft them into the Army or Marines.
Emory officials said they are investigating but so far there’s no evidence to implicate their students in the incident.
Cope said hotel security got the situation under control and the fraternity members were evicted the next morning.
The fraternity sent a letter of apology to Cope.
Dafuq? Emory officials don’t seem to be looking very hard at this. How much effort does take to pick up a phone, call the hotel and ask to speak with their security department?
Oh, and it’s waaaaaaaaaay past time to just get rid of frats and sororities.
With a name like Tyler Drescher, I would assume that this is a fraternity of white privileged assholes.
I am willing to bet a dollar that this accusation is exactly as truthful as the now-known lie that “Viet Nam vets were spit on when returning to the U.S.,” which is to say not at all. As Mark Twain famously noted, a lie can spread around the world before the truth puts its pants on. One person’s report of this incident is hardly proof that it happened. Pix or GTFO, as the kids say.
Must have been awfully hard not to turn those kids into shark bait.
I would have lost it and paid for it but I would have been smiling the whole time.
Bring the draft back and give them something constructive to do instead of hiding in school.
In the good old days they would have been ejected from the college and their draft board would be informed. Hmmmm.
Quickest way to end wars is to bring back the draft. The hawks won’t want to see their children being sacrificed to the their own dreams of battlefield glory.
Really? I would appreciate (no sarcasm) some manner of documentation on the “proven lie version”
Bearing in mind… there were no cell phone cameras in the sixties and seventies.
Not to seem argumentative, I personally saw Viet Vets get harassed and spit on outside March AFB
Genuinely curious re: Proven Lie
Well, your word’s good enough for me! Or not…let’s agree to disagree, shall we?
STORIES ABOUT spat-upon Vietnam veterans are like mercury: Smash one and six more appear. It’s hard to say where they come from. For a book I wrote in 1998 I looked back to the time when the spit was supposedly flying, the late 1960s and early 1970s. I found nothing. No news reports or even claims that someone was being spat on.
What I did find is that around 1980, scores of Vietnam-generation men were saying they were greeted by spitters when they came home from Vietnam. There is an element of urban legend in the stories in that their point of origin in time and place is obscure, and, yet, they have very similar details. The story told by the man who spat on Jane Fonda at a book signing in Kansas City recently is typical. Michael Smith said he came back through Los Angeles airport where ''people were lined up to spit on us."
Like many stories of the spat-upon veteran genre, Smith’s lacks credulity. GIs landed at military airbases, not civilian airports, and protesters could not have gotten onto the bases and anywhere near deplaning troops. There may have been exceptions, of course, but in those cases how would protesters have known in advance that a plane was being diverted to a civilian site? And even then, returnees would have been immediately bused to nearby military installations and processed for reassignment or discharge.
The exaggerations in Smith’s story are characteristic of those told by others. ''Most Vietnam veterans were spat on when we came back," he said. That’s not true. A 1971 Harris poll conducted for the Veterans Administration found over 90 percent of Vietnam veterans reporting a friendly homecoming. Far from spitting on veterans, the antiwar movement welcomed them into its ranks and thousands of veterans joined the opposition to the war.
Broad brush, I know…, but have social frats had any image other than obnoxious, drunk, party organizations? I mean, really? That was certainly my experience in college when I wasn’t a member.
Our favorite slogan was “Rent a Friend. Join a Frat!”
(and save 20% on renting the rape room)
Boy is that an example of Christian privilege.