Discussion: Flake Vulnerable In GOP Primary As Trump Allies Seek To Topple Senator

Deserves itā€¦


The President just hates people who try to get attention.


Replacing Ward with Gosar? Arenā€™t they both utlra loony conspiracy theorists? I mean Gosar thinks Charlottesville was all a Soros plot.


I am from Arizona and I attended one of his town halls. He has no ā€˜conscienceā€™. He is just a koch acolyte. The problem for him with trump and the republican base is that he is not loony enough for them. I heard a rumor a couple of days that arpaio may jump into this race. Now, that is a candidate Trump fully get behind.


ā€œTrump alliesā€¦ā€. Ooooh, Scary.
One tweet can turn erstwhile ā€œTrump alliesā€ into ā€œI barely know the guy. He may have called me, butā€¦ā€
Or if not a tweet, one piece of paper.
If it comes from Mueller.


Kristin Sinema has a chance of winning if the GOP gets into a far-right primary battle.


Arpaio? Have fun, McConnell.


Trump: If you dont give me 110%, I will never like you. He is a loser.


She has a very good chance of winning regardless of the outcome of the GOP primary (assuming she wins the Democratic primary herself).


Thank you for this bit of perspective.

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If you want to see the rest of Congress, they keep an updating tally.


The conspiracy-mongering freak show that Richard Hofstadter described so well in his Paranoid Style in American Politics USED to be on the margins of society, far from being able to do any harm. Now they have all but take over one of the two major political parties in this country. I wonder how we will ever be able to do anything meaningful to improve the country, or meet some kind of existential crisis, with lunatics running approximately half of our politics?


I find that one of the only ways I can contend with all of this is to take a philosophical attitude - nothing lasts forever in this universe and this too will come to an end.


A good coping mechanism. I keep hoping that maybe the sane faction of the electorate will turn away in horror from these kooks and resolve never, ever to vote GOP until it implodes and resurrects itself as a reasonable opposition party, something thatā€™s in touch with empirical reality. But Iā€™m not holding my breath.

Sad to say, I fear youā€™d best not.

Iā€™ve been watching Ken Burnsā€™ War in Vietnam. In the segment I last watched, the poll numbers regarding the Kent State shootings really hit home. 69% of Americans thought it was the studentsā€™ fault. Which reminded me of the numbers of Americans that supported the War in Iraq. In the high 60s again.

Soā€¦ Same as it ever was. Thereā€™s an abidingly ill-conceived and belligerent ā€œpatriotismā€ that this country seems to adhere to that horrifies me. Trump is of a piece with it.


After bucking Donald Trump in a state the president won, Flake is bottoming out in polls. Yet Republicans look like they may be stuck with a hard-core conservative challenger who some fear could win the primary but lose in the general election.

Wouldnā€™t hurt my feelings in the least.

Thereā€™s but one question for most Republicans: Is self-respect important to you? By and large, they have been answering ā€œno.ā€

Lotta good that voting record did Flake. He might be doing better if he followed what his constituents wanted. Bet that the repeal was a loser in Arizona.

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At least if Flake loses, he is going out with some dignity intact, unlike virtually every other R in the Senate. I think if primaried he will continue to speak out against Trump, win or lose. Which in the end would be very good for the possibility of a Dem. pick-up in the state.