Discussion for article #233607
Cops, by and large, suck.
the slightest bit of compassion
Ha! “Compassion” Not even the paying customers get that unless they’re a celeb or related to a state politician.
It’s beginning to look like we do need CCTV. But instead of it being aimed at our streets, it has to be covering all police personnel every minute of every day. Seems like when they don’t think they are being watched, the police treat people like animals.
Too many cops must think the motto " To Protect and Serve" refers to covering their own asses and those of their fellow officers.
based on recent similar cases - - - report of events would read:
‘Very clear that she was providing resistance - which raised anxiety & concern for general well being of the officer … the cop courageously resisted the urge to justifiably use his firearm to subdue her.’
Very few police have any compassion whatsoever. They’ve become worse than prison guards.
Keeping it classy, Floriduh.
It will take more than the “singing cop” from Dover, Delaware to rehabilitate the image most folks have of the police now. Why do they keep acting like thugs and bullies, when it is in their marching orders to serve and protect the public. They really feel like they are above the law and can get away with anything, by and large.
Sure does look like she was resisting an officer, and we well know what that calls for.