Floridiot and GOP’er. Stupid on two counts.
I’m so sorry there was a camera there to video my behavior…
And we should believe the candidate why?
So, wait . . . he hit a guy who had a campaign sign in his yard in support of him? The Senator hit one of his own supporters?
Republicans are always voting against their own self-interests… Stockholm Syndrome.
The entire GOP of Floriduh should be on Candid Camera. Total idiots.
Arrest him for criminal assault.
Too bad Leppla didn’t have a gun. He could have shot him and walked, this being Florida and all. All things considered, I’m surprised he didn’t.
I wonder if body cameras would be better? Would FL news organizations have to fire or hire more people if this happened?
Yeah, this was VERY confusing. At first I thought the sign was against the Rep, then it reads like it was FOR the Rep. Why would anyone yell at a person to put a sign BACK UP? I mean, WTF? A picture of the actual sign might clarify things.
No Skittles or hoodie were present.
He is just Trumping the protestor.
The sign is mostly visible in the picture on the page with the article. I imagine it is also visible in the video since the picture seems to be a still from the video (I haven’t watched it). Clearly Perry wanted the sign put back up.
Maybe it was at his entrance in a common area of a townhome development. If so, it might have been on his property but not put up with his consent.
It may be a picture of the candidate kicking a puppy.
Hmmm, assaulting someone over a sign?
Sounds like thuggish, animal-listic, uncivilized behavior. But doubt it would be characterized as such for this particular guy.
Looks like deplorable behavior to me.
Nope, just another hard-working American citizen. And very passionate about his love for this great country.