Discussion: Five Points On Ted Cruz's Sunday Senate Shenanigans

Discussion for article #238786

You own him, Mitch. Have a nice term.


Cruz calling McConnell a liar was the truth. No big deal there.

The real big deal was Cruz saying he would get rid of Supreme Court Justices that don’t agree with him. Not a single Tbag Senator said anything about that.


“Squabbling and sanctimony may be tolerated in other venues and perhaps on the campaign trail, but they have no place among colleagues in the United States Senate,”

How nice !


Good luck scolding bagger Cruz into behaving-- you birthed him, now what?


Just remembering how the GOP loved their TeaBabies. They were nurtured, coddled, dandled on GOP knees…

Then the TeaBabies grew old enough to get elected and became rebellious, recalcitrant Juvenile TeaLinquents…

and mcConnell has lost all control over his SenateSonsOfMitches…

…and it’s all President Obama’s fault.


Alternate headline: Ted Cruz Throws a Temper Tantrum in the US Senate


Back home, in Texas that is, not Canada, they’re cheering and and placing orders at the badge of honor factory.


all the while hoping to get noticed enough to make it to the debate stage.


Better headline:

McConnell hoist by his own Tea Party Petard

It’s cute how the “establishment GOP” is finally turning on Cruz—after they created him and let him run rampant because his targets were Democrats.


Cruz Rulz!

Ted Cruz speaks for me

became rebellious recalcitrant juvenile TEALINQUENTS…brilliantly put … and rather funny too


It is fun watching the Republicans pay the price for their cynical manipulation of racism, misogyny, and religion over the past 40 years. I can just hear the ‘leaders’ grumbling, “Don’t these new guys understand that all this is just red meat for the rubes? If we really ban abortion, and repeal Obamacare people will stop electing us and how can we serve our corporate masters then?”


I thought I posted this before but if the Senators are really tired of sCruz then they have an out:

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

Article I, Section 5, Clause 2

too bad the Republicans are so sadly unfamiliar with the Constitution they claim to be bent on upholding…


Interesting an amendment against “the Iran deal” failed to garner even 60 votes. Particularly when trying to be folded into must-pass legislation.

Not looking to count chickens, but I get the same feeling about the Sturm und Drang over the utterly symbolic opposition to “the deal” in Congress as I did for the Y2K bug/hype.

At the end of the day Congress can actually do nothing to stop “the deal”. The UN agreed to it unanimously, the sanctions will come off as the IAEA carries out its inspections. Internationally, it is already done. All the needs to be done is carrying out inspections and lifting U.N. sanctions which will occur regardless of what Congress does or doesn’t do.


Nothing new about that…

“Controlling Majority” in deed! They certainly need to lean to control their own caucus before trying to govern the country.

I’m going to start buying stock in Orville Redenbacher popcorn!

I love how all the Republicans are crying now that their own irrational behavior is turned on themselves… sounding exactly how Harry Reid described them. I wonder if they’re going to go all “Nuclear Option” on their own ungovernable members? Ha!


That was a different hearing, one that was basically only attended by the dumb and extremists. Cruz is merely trying to garner some media attention with the TP with that stunt…which isn’t happening as Trump is sucking more air out of Cruz’s campaign than anyone else’s right now.

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They knew that as soon as it was announced…they don’t have the votes to overturn an eventual veto. But that won’t stop the likes of Cotton from grandstanding on it, he needs a windmill to tilt at for the next 4 1/2 years to keep his name in the news.


just call him goofy. google goofy. notice the family resemblance.

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