Discussion: First Senate-Confirmed ATF Director To Step Down This Month

Discussion for article #234538

President Obama should nominate the following people:

Michael Bloomberg
Rosie O’Donnell
Gabrielle Giffords
Jimmy Carter

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Gabby would be a excellent choice except that her brain injury would make the job exceedingly difficult. She was my Congresswoman. I voted for her. But her injury made that job too difficult. And that job is a damned sight easier than ATF director I would expect.


Don’t worry…he’ll be the last ATF Director confirmed by the Senate so long as the Republicans have the votes to block him.


Not if President Walker nominates Cliven Bundy.


Is he resigning over the Administration pulling the proposed ban on armor piercing ammo?

He is most likely stepping down because of the ‘F’ in ATF.

Considering Boener’s love for alcohol, connections to tobacco and the right wings lust for firearms, we won’t likely get another Director in the near forever.


That’d be my guess.

“His resignation comes after the Obama administration abandoned plans to ban rifle ammunition that can pierce law enforcement officers’ bulletproof vests amid blowback from members of Congress and a public outcry.”
Here’s what you’re typical NRA Congressional representative or typical citizen who whined about needed armor-piercing roads to hunt anything, looks like to the general public!
Question for NRA members: What type of game do you need a armor-piercing round to hunt?
This is a simple question needing only a simple answer! Is it squirrels or rabbits just what do you need a armor piercing round for today!


I pray that Wayne LaPierre, who was too big of a coward to join the military when he turned 18 during the Vietnam War, is helped to the afterlife with a armor-piercing round along with the rest of you chickenhawks, especially those on the right war who will gladly send someone else son or daughter to serve and die, before they would!
In closing, it must to be terrible to go around being afraid, really afraid of everything that moves!

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His resignation comes after the Obama administration abandoned plans to ban rifle ammunition that can pierce law enforcement officers’ bulletproof vests amid blowback from members of Congress and a public outcry.

Is the writer claiming this is the reason ? Proof Please…or take that out of the article…

Who it should be noted remains at large almost a year after him and his thugs used the threat of violence to interfere with Federal agents in the course of their duties.


Armadillos obviously. :wink:

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Looks like it was an extension of this thinking about Jones and his tenure.

Under Jones’ tenure, the agency faced renewed criticism about its investigative tactics, including the use of so-called storefront and sting operations to pursue violent criminals. Most recently, the agency came under fire for proposing an end to a rule exemption that allowed the sale and manufacture of certain types of bullets used in the popular AR-15-style rifles that could pierce a police officer’s protective fest when fired from a handgun

But with a gun obsessed culture and people in Congress representing them, how could anyone make any forward progress in the war on guns. It was a thankless job with a futile goal.


The irony is that in most places, fully-jacketed bullets of any kind (let alone armor-piercing) are actually banned from use in hunting because they’re inhumane - unless you get an incredibly lucky shot through the heart, a full jacket bullet will go right through a big animal like a deer and it can live for days before dying from infection.


Looks like a factual statement to me.

Thankless job. No wonder he had such a short tenure.

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We need armor piercing ammo.

Because 2nd Amendment.

Does the fact that guns can’t be managed by anyone or anything ever bother anyone?

Its like herding cats only with lots more blood, death and daily awful.

Sure. The idea is “the people” has the right to keep and bear arms, so we need protection against the state police officers and their anti-democratic bullet proof vests. And, I guess private parties who have such vests. Balance the playing field! MAD or something.