Discussion: First Militiaman Arrested In Connection With Oregon Standoff

I think the militiamen will learn their lesson from this. From now on, they go everywhere together like a chain gang, only without the vocal skills. They’ll carjack a schoolbus to the local Safeway…without wearing the seat belts.

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They had to leave their vehicles at home so their wives could drive to work at Wal Mart.


Why didn’t they wait 'til he came out and got in the vehicle?


Right. Probably no one saw him drive it there. Of course this idiot is probably stupid enough to admit to having driven it if the Feds just stand with him a few minutes… Or they should have asked Safeway to make an announcement over the loudspeaker that such and such a truck is in a no parking zone “Will the driver of a National Wildlife truck please move his truck to the truck parking zone?” Sure, it is probably entrapment if he gets into the truck, but maybe he goes out the back exit to avoid the Feds and then admits why he went out the back because he knows he’s just admitted his crime by his conduct.


Couldn’t they ask for the surveillance tape? That’d ID the fucker.


He might have opened fire in a grocery store, endangering bystanders (or, “acceptable collateral damage” in Bundoid-speak) as well as law enforcement.

Mad props to local law enforcement for protecting and serving innocent citizens.

There is no urgency or emergency requiring Rambo actions in this entire debacle. These nut cases check-mated themselves quite thoroughly and their lives are fucked for decades to come. Slow-marching this clown circus through the news cycles for several weeks (or months) is one of the best outcomes possible.

We eleven-dimensional chess now, folks. In fact, it has been since the beginning. Buy lots of popcorn (I’m heavily invested in popcorn futures) and cozy up for the rest of the Winter.

And keep mailing these guys dildos (but no lube; let them use motor oil). When the Feds finally do get to reclaim and start cleaning out the compound, one of the things I want to see is boxes and boxes of dildos being removed and (hopefully) displayed prominently as evidence at their trials. Front page and 6 O’clock News for weeks or months.


Oh nooooo’! Now they’ll start getting desperate:


“Duke St. Rollins” you are my new hero! Best response yet to a Bundyland request:



The Feds would still need probable cause to support a search warrant. It would depend on what they (law enforcement) knew and how they found out and the totality of circumstances. Maybe these guys walked into the store together and were bragging about the Fed trucks they stole. This is the kind of thing stupid criminals do.

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Surveillance tapes in Burns Oregon? First they would have to take the footage to the one hour photo for developing.


Because something.

I’m not saying they couldn’t have tried a little harder, just pointing out that there likely was a somewhat reasonable underlying rationale for what they said even though it comes off as nonsense when you first read it.


He was arrested by Oregon State Police for felony possession of a stolen vehicle.


Jeez LEOs! Just look for the shifty eyed guy at the bus stop with 6 bags of Slim Jims and Budweiser.


Kenny’s been a publicity hound in Oregon since at least 1995, when he was thrown out of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest after being convicted of being a squatter.

Medelbach appealed, claiming he was just camping, that he was not dangerous and that the federal government had no jurisdiction over the GPNF. His arguments were hurled out of court with the contempt they deserved.

  1. As for him not being dangerous or resorting to intimidation, Medelbach attempted to defend his tent with 500-100 pounds of the explosive ammonium sulfate, a pellet gun and a hand grenade with trip wires. He also told forest service officials that “some intimidation is justified when the federal government has overstepped it’s bounds.” Medelbac argued that this is protected by the First Amendment, which it is not.
  2. To make sure he wouldn’t run away before his trial, Kenny was denied bail. Medelbach also claimed that the Bail Reform Act was being violated and he was being denied bail because of his political belefs. Given Medelbach’s intimidation techniques, he lost on that one as well.
  3. Finally, Medelbach displayed the usual miltianoid goofines when it comes to the Constitution. His big problem was the Marbury v. Madison decision. Marbury was decided back in 1803 which means it’s more than 212 years old but it’s driven people like Medelbach crazy with fury ever since. Kenny never offered any case law as to why it was reasoned wrong. He just SAID it was.

However, White Supremacists are also an endangered species, so maybe that’s why they’re hanging out at the refuge?

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Quick actions of law enforcement?

Jesus, it has been two goddamn weeks, and they are allowing these dolts to come and go as they please, allowing shipments into the refuge, haven’t cut off power, water or implemented a blockade. Quick actions my ass.


Did he sing “Daddy Swore an Oath” as he was led away?


I think their next song will be “Daddy Blew Bubba in the Prison Shower”


Has any reporter pressed a decision maker at FBI why they are failing to act on this incident. I really would like to know how high up this stupid shit is coming from

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Hope he remembered the creamer.