Discussion: Fired Sanders Staffer: We Saved Clinton Voter Data To Prove Breach

Discussion for article #243950

Yes, Officer, I went around checking doors, and I found this one unlocked. So I went in and looked around and took some stuff, just to prove I could.

Is that wrong?


More like entered the neighbor’s unlocked house, rummaged through the lingerie drawer, inventoried the contents of the refrigerator, and then shared the discovery with a few close friends on Twitter, and notified the fire department.


Can you imagine if the Clinton campaign did this? It would be a major scandal. No one would believe this excuse. Everyone would be talking about the emails and Clinton drama.


Obviously the DNC forced them to save the data they weren’t supposed to have access to, in order to punish them to help Hillary who is currently only ahead by 30 points. It makes perfect sense.


Yea…Right…This is one instance where an explanation isn’t going to help matters —


I’ve [attempted – Bro’s having none of it] to point this out over at Raw Story, but this doofus has admitted to conduct that would appear to be a black and white violation of the CFAA.

Not too bright.


Oh, yeah, and they didn’t “leave a note”. Some other “neighbor” caught them and made the notification.


The ignorance of Clinton supporters about IT is astounding. But hey, keep it up assholes and we’ll all be saying “Seig Heil!” to a Trump administration.


When I read the first paragraph of this story, and the words “in order to prove to the Democratic National Committee that their voter information system had been breached”, I thought he meant they were trying to prove to the DNC that their (Sanders’) system had been breached by Clinton staff, i.e. proving some of their own records were present in the DNC system. Partly the loose phrasing led me there, but mostly the assumption that surely no one could be so stupid as to claim they broke in to something in order to be a good samaritan.

Evidently my mistake.


Let this be a warning. If you ever invite a Bernie staffer over for dinner…do not use the good silver. :smile:


Hey, we stole your stuff out of your apartment to let you know they door was unlocked. Sounds reasonable


In this context, no it isn’t. In computer programming it’s always good to have the documentation of the events that led to a bug as opposed to just getting a report of the bug. Also note that this issue is global and also affected Sanders’ own private data. They wanted to know what the scope of their own exposure. The private company would have an incentive to try to cover up their mistake. Being able to document the problem prevents that.

Ultimately this was not something that the Sanders campaign initiated. No one is accusing them of intentionally trying to hack the system. In the normal use of the program they discovered a security problem and were documenting it. They had done so in the past. The only difference this time was that the private company was able to spot the problem and notify the Sanders campaign before the Sanders campaign could notify them.


Seriously! Who is / was responsible for the data / server security? As a retired IT consultant it makes perfect sense to me that the ones who discovered the hole in security would in fact want to see how broad it was. If some one breaks into say my garage and I manage to to catch them in the act and take picture to prove they were there that would be proof of a security hole. If on the other hand I call the authorities and said someone is in my garage but I have no proof because they smartly locked the door on the way out and denied it was ever open… what then? So you are damned if you explore the hole and then report it and your damned if you don’t an take some evidence to prove the hole existed before it gets unexplainably closed.


Screen shots? Can’t just have one person take a screen shot and then make a report? Have to have multiple people download data?


It’s politics. If you’re explaining, you’re losing. Sanders’ campaign is not only explaining, it is also shouting and threatening. Bad, bad optics.


I disagree because when I first heard about the problem I too blamed the Sanders staff. Now that I’ve heard all the details, I can see this really isn’t a story. Btw, it shouldn’t matter but if it helps my credibility I am a Clinton supporter.


…but not before 3 additional staffers accessed the info.


This all seems a little “inside baseball” to me, but that said, the Sanders campaign’s excuse for this sounds rather like what your pastor says when you catch him coming out of the porno book store. “I’m-I’m working under cover!” your pastor stammers. “This brown paper bag is filled w-with, uh… evidence!”


As the guy admitted in the interview, they were working together to document the problem. This was a big deal so obviously they were going to research it. Maybe I just have a different perspective because I work in IT, but there is nothing unusual going on here. I would have done the same thing if I suddenly discovered that the firewall that was meant to protect my data had gone down…again.