Discussion: Fiorina Responds To 'The View' Hosts' Comments About Her Face

Discussion for article #242397

Well, actually it was about your “smiley” face they called “demented,” not your face per se. Wonder if you ever told Barbara Boxer to her face what you said about her hair being “so yesterday”? So get over yourself.


Clearly Carly doesn’t know Whoopi , Whoopi will have no problem saying a whole lot of things to her face, probably could do a HBO special just on that encounter


“Conservative women, from Sarah Palin to Michele Bachmann to Carly Fiorina, are long used to this,” Fiorina said.

Um, no, Carly – I’ve known many a straight men who’ve told me Bachmann and Palin are MILFs. You, Carly, are no MILF. Trust me, I’m a gay boy and we know these things. Sorry to burst your bubble, though.

Edit: Now, then again, if you wanted to compare yourself to, say, Phyllis Schlafley, go to it.

Edit #2: I would like to apologize for my Phyllis Schlafley crack here. Not nice. Truth is that we should not stoop to the level of ever attacking a person’s natural looks. Granted, this whole (recent) issue got started when a lady of ‘The View’ made a crack about Carly’s smile–or lack thereof–it has morphed into some not very nice comments. For my own part, I apologize. Thank you.


More faux-outrage from the perpetually outraged party…


In this vein, here’s one of my all time favorite ‘reads’ from RuPaul’s Drag Race:
Carly, you may not be all that pretty… And you may not be all that smart…

(Then you just stop talking and walk away.)


A lot of dough went into this face.


NOTE TO CARLY: Complain to your plastic surgeon, not “The View” yentas.


Conservative women. Yeah, it’s just conservatives. Because right-leaning people have been so kind to Hillary Clinton over the years regarding her looks. And Michelle Obama too. And Nancy Pelosi.


What is it with the R contestants who refer to themselves in the third person, as if there’s no real person there, just a facsimile who’s on display.


She’s also full of it because–as we know and she knows–the haters on the right have made very rude comments about Hillary’s looks over the years. Nancy Pelosi has also been a favorite punching bag. Carly has obviously been dipping into the Botox bin rather often. That said, I wish to hell we as a people would just stop it with this total obsession with youth. Yes, I loved it when I looked like a teenager well into my early thirties. Now, I’m showing my age a bit. In many ways, I’m sexier than then – just not in a nubile way. Though I’m still somewhat boyish in my outlook, I am far more experienced than back then – and it shows on me physically. I kinda like it. We are such a vain society. I am sorry that Carly Fiorina and Nancy Pelosi and so many feel the need to erase so much emotion from their faces – it’s not fair to them nor is it f air to those who might look up to them.


“There’s a double standard!”, harrumphed Rick Santorum in drag. “They NEVER do this to Hillary, only us conservative Teabagger Goddesses!”
Hey, fuck you, Fiorina. They have not only gone after Hillary’s looks for over 20 years, they also went after her defenseless teenage daughter when Bill Clinton was in the White House.
Yeah, FUCK YOU! again, Carly. And BTW, did you finish win, place, or show at the last Kentucky Derby?


LOL. BeattyCat hasn’t a clue.


Honestly, as a straight man, I think Fiorina is attractive too, even after the work (better looking before the work, for sure).

I just really don’t get the need to go after people’s looks. I accept that a lot of people are heavily swayed by them (Rubio is in a race with his hairline to get into the Whitehouse before it retreats any further) but I really wish we’d focus on our leaders on the basis of their policy. Palin is far in a way hotter than anyone else running in 2008 (or 2012).

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Borrowing a quote from the great American sage, Bugs Bunny, Phyllis was likely somebody’s baby once.*

*-Now mind you, Bugs was talking about the Halloween witch, but still…


Not just women either. Sure there’s a double standard for women. But Christie, Cruz, Trump, Jindal, Kerry, Lieberman, Cheney, and Gore all have been mocked for their appearance. Rubio, Clinton, W., Obama, Edwards, Romney, Palin and others in the attractive set are mocked more for their mannerisms, or for their alleged ethical and intellectual shortcomings.

Not fair to laugh at funny-looking people of any political persuasion. But hey, Cruella, I’m sure the mockery just makes you stronger, right?


Thank you! As a gay man, I also believe Carly Fiorina is a rather attractive lady at her age. I must admit that I think she uses too much starkness with makeup – but that’s just my opinion. Sincerely, it’s the woman’s cold-hearted attitude and history that makes most say not nice things about her. Unfortunately, because of the way our society has internalized our appearance, many folks sort of intertwine the looks into a person’s character … and visa versa.

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Fuck you Carly.

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“It will not stop me. It will not scare me. And maybe the ladies of ‘The View,’ if I come back on again, let’s see if they have the guts to say that to my face.”

in case you are wondering, she made those comments before realizing that her microphone was live.


nope its the idea of turning those puppies into a luxurious fur coat.

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