Discussion for article #244704
What a foul, repugnant, petty woman.
Like admitting the fact would kill her.
Some people will say anything to become Secretary of Creationism & Transvaginal Ultrasounds.
She says she actually likes to spend time with her husband. But does her husband want to spend time with her??
This person is overwhelmingly preposterous. More than just a few bad sectors on the hard drive from my vantage point.
I know she likes to see herself as the only one who can go up against Hillary, but first she has to beat fucking Rick Santorum. (Just Google him, btw)
Chris there are so many other things we could talk about.
Yeah, like why is he wasting time with someone who has only a slightly better chance than he does of becoming the GOP nominee.
Snarly is much, much smaller than she is in person.
This is so great. Her people have obviously told her to smile more. So she wears this weird rictus throughout the interview and finally abandons it for her more familiar Cruella DeVille expression at the end.
She doesn’t just exude hatefulness, she personifies it. It’s really remarkable.
She’s emotionally invested to the point of obsession. My guess is Snarly has a Hillary shrine complete with chicken feet and Hillary pin cushion doll. She’s obviously blown a gasket, and if I were Mrs. Clinton I would be laughing my ass off, punctuating the howls with a chuckling bitch, please!. Fiorina is mental.
Sh ripped Matthews a new ass. He couldn’t interrupt her which he is so adept at. She took him and made him look stupid. He has no business with his own show
Wow, she’s kind of nuts. No wonder she’s polling near zero.
Were we watching the same clip?
That face. Someone in another Snarly story mentioned spackle. Here ya go
Seems like she’s copying Trump’s approach of attacking the Clintons in an effort to show her base she’d be a strong general election candidate. But she comes across as petulant, ungracious, and catty. She’s like another Maureen O’Dowd.
She makes Maureen seem more human. Carly is simply odious.
Newsflash, to both of these idiots: IT’S NOT THE NINETIES ANYMORE, NIMRODS. NO ONE CARES!
I was thinking that too. My take: it’s an election year. Like clockwork, Matthews turns into an idiot.
Can’t you envision her screaming “NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!!!”?