Discussion for article #241829
GODDam CAMelS!!!one!1!!!
"The Muslims are really raising heck right now,” the event attendee told Fiorina, according to video recorded by CNN.
Raising heck? This guy watched too much "Leave It To Beaver".
Walk back in 5…4…3…2…1…
Muslims raise heck with heavy-lift heckicopters.
You win the thread.
Fiorina comes from the greedhead wing of the party rather than the currently ascendant bigot wing. Good for her. But she won’t win the primary without pandering to the low racist and homophobic thugs at the base of the Republican Party.
Such a difficult balancing act: Trying to let the crazies know you agree with them without letting the normals know you don’t really agree with the crazies while trying to appear genuine at the same time. That’s why Trump is leading – he’s doing the best job at two out of three of those…
“People are so frustrated and angry with the immigration situation.
Let me say that one of the most important things about this nation is
that we judge people as individuals,” Fiorina said in response.
“I’m not willing to condemn any group of people. I’m willing to judge each individual,” she later added.
Carly …Tsk tsk!
who are you to judge anyone?
I smell a plant.
I agree. A plant by her opponents to trip her up, possibly. Or more likely, a plant by her own camp to let her “shine.”
Aw gee, Stevie, quit givin’ that guy the business !
So a Presidential candidate behaves like a decent human being, and this is news? The bar is so low for conservatives
Golly. If he said some swear words Carly might have really given him the business.
Gr. You took my line. I’m going to sock you!
best lay off those new found empathy pills before Iowa Carly.
“They want to change our whole country to suit them. If they don’t like the United States, get out of here. Take your camel and beat it!”
I thought he was talking about Texans, until I realized Texans are more Marlboro men.
That’s the wholesome bigotry, from the good ole days.
Not terribly bad, except for the “judge” part. Carly’s in no position to judge anyone.
What a disagreeable bitch.