Discussion: Fiorina Defends Planned Parenthood Comment: I've Seen The Footage! (VIDEO)

Ms. Fiorina, no one has found the tape, because it doesn’t exist. continued “searching” for it would be total waste of time/money. the R’s never, ever vistakes admit to previous/current mistakes, never apologize, and just keep on lying t

This is an easy one FoxNews (or CNN, or any other media organization), now ask her to provide the media with the footage she saw. Until then, she’s lying.

…Or get a promotion for saying you know it’s false, but we will just say we know what we saw, and it was so horrific we destroyed it immediately. How were we to know it was doctored?

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Shorter Carly: “I saw the footage in my own mind! So there’s no arguing about what it really is!”

Many studies have been done confirming that people testify (sometimes in court!) that they have seen things, even have memories, that have never happened. Our minds are infinitely malleable. I would hope this is the case with Florina, and that she is not blatantly lying. We all hope this is the case with people who insist on alternate realities.

Really? You can prove that gender and age have nothing to do with it? You are perhaps a clinical psychologist who has studied the effects of gender and age on hallucinatory behavior? If so, just tell us where your research results are published. Otherwise, you may find the conclusions of some of those who have studied the subject interesting:

Estrogenic modulation of brain activity:implications for schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease, Michel Cyr, Frederic Calon, Marc Morissette, and Thérèse Di Paolo

Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by episodic positive symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, paranoia and psychosis and may include persistent negative symptoms such as flattened affect, impaired attention, social withdrawal and cognitive impairment. Epidemiologic and clinical evidence suggests an influence of estrogens on the vulnerability threshold for schizophrenia. Although early studies suggested the incidence of schizophrenia in men and women was about equal, more recent studies indicate incidence rates are higher in men.

It has been suggested that estrogen may act as a protective factor in women; the age of onset of schizophrenia is significantly later in women than in men, with a second peak of onset larger and later in women after 40–45 years of age. As well, levels of psychopathology have been observed to fluctuate with phases of the menstrual cycle. In women with schizophrenia, relapse rates are higher when estrogen levels are low during the menstrual cycle, whereas relapse is low when estrogen levels are high. Higher rates of relapse in women with schizophrenia are also observed during the postpartum period (low estrogens), whereas relapse is low during pregnancy (high estrogens).

Sex differences in the clinical expression of schizophrenia have also been observed. For example, women with schizophrenia have a higher prevalence of auditory hallucinations than men. Women with schizophrenia have been described as “hallucinatory, illusionary,” with symptoms mimicking affective disorders, whereas men tend to become “dull, autistic” and have an amotivational syndrome with loss of organization and regulation.

See also:
Lindamer LA, Lohr JB, Harris MJ, Jeste DV.
Gender, estrogen, and schizophrenia. Psychopharmacol Bull. 1997;33(2):221-8.

Hambrecht M, Maurer K, Häfner H.
Evidence for a gender bias in epidemiological studies of schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 1993 Jan;8(3):223-31.

Flor-Henry P.
Influence of gender in schizophrenia as related to other psychopathological syndromes. Schizophr Bull. 1990;16(2):211-27.

Dubertret C, Gorwood P, Adès J.
Chronic hallucinatory psychosis and late onset schizophrenia: the same entity? Encephale. 1997 May-Jun;23(3):157-67. [in French].

There is lots more. In fact this is just the tip of a sizable iceberg. And here’s another tip for you: You refute claims with evidence, not with opinions. To claim that gender and age have nothing to do with hallucinatory and delusional behavior in the face of overwhelming clinical evidence to the contrary is simply ignorant. Ignorance in the pursuit of political correctness is no virtue.

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“So in her alternate universe repeating a lie makes it a truth?” No, that would make her Josef Goebbels.

The tapes really existed, but they were accidentally erased by Rosemary Woods.

Tripled her salary while she sank IBM and bought herself a big boat liar liar pants on fire

Ding Dong the witch is ALIVE!

What do you want to bet there are already comments in wingnut news outlet threads by more idiots saying that they’ve seen the nonexistent video, too?

Probably all her aides are too scared to tell her – so the Empress with no clothes will continue to insist she’s wearing cloth of gold!

I’ll believe her when she proves she’s watch it…

My grandmother used to swear that those hoop snakes – you know, the ones that take their tails in their mouths and roll down the road – were REAL, because SHE HAD SEEN ONE, goldurnit. No evidence to the contrary could convince her otherwise.

Carly will never find the footage, because it doesn’t exist, but that won’t stop her insisting it’s out there, just like Grandma’s hoop snakes.

Visual and auditory hallucinations. Always the level of quality you want in your leader’s cognitive abilities. Also the attitude “Everybody’s crazy, except me.” Thank you Republicans for bringing us this winner.

If the lady wants this to go away produce the video so others can verify her story.

Carly also respectfully requests everyone cease chasing Bigfoot through the woods, they’re disrupting ancient mating rituals and endangering the species.

“I’ve seen the footage!”
Yes. I is in the same place that the books you claim to have showing that you were NOT a Total Failure as CEO of HP (“I wasn’t fired! I Retired! WITH PAY!” It wasn’t a SEVERANCE, it was a “Please Don’t Go! Gift!”), and of Lucent, and of every other thing you have EVER DONE.
Carly Fiorina: If you look up “Failing Upwards” in the dictionary, it has her picture on it.

Carly and The Donald should "get a room."

I’m waiting until iCarly talks about “the strawberries.”

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