Discussion: Finnish Pres Doesn't Remember Telling Trump About 'Raking' Forest

Trump has this little monkey :monkey: that sits on his shoulder and heā€™s ALWAYS whispering in Trumpā€™s ears.

The monkeyā€™s name is Stephen Miller.


Somebody did and I would love to know who for sure. hahahahahahaha They give him something like that like it was a sucker he can worry with and suck on and chew over so he at least has something.

I think itā€™s hilarious that other world leaders feel compelled to contradict him when he drags them into one of his delusions.


Few people can remember things like Donald doesā€¦thank god!


Well , Mr Professional Dickhead IS a liar .


Anybody else shocked by this revelation? I thought not.

He canā€™t REMEMBER! Thatā€™s a NON-DENIAL DENIAL! It means,

ā€˜Yaw Yaw tote-awlee I am recalling telling American preznit Donalt a thing like that. Vital to be understanding, in Suovi we are all the hours just making cell phone devices and raking forest floors. So then we are taking the forest excess as raw materials for making brand new cell phone devices! Also we are packing these cell phone devices in biodegradable bird flash frozen bird droppings, which we are warning always, plainly in our language, Do not hold our forest rakings-based cell phone devices against your ears as molecules from our bird guano packaging might invade the human brain and the person soon cannot resist saying nothing but imaginary things and lies.ā€™

Most likely answer is, Trump just made that shit up out of whole cloth.

The second possible answer is that Niinisto told Trump, ā€œWe take care of our forestsā€ and Earwax Mussolini heard, ā€œWe rake and care for our forestsā€ā€¦ or something similar.

And so he ran with it, because of course, questioning how anyone might actually ā€œrakeā€ a few hundred thousand square miles of forest in a country with a population smaller than NYC would never occur to the Dotard in Chief.

Nor, apparently, has he given much thought to how California is supposed to ā€œrakeā€ the forests clean on 33 MILLION acres of forest lands in California, of which 60% (roughly 20 million acres) is Federal forest lands. In fact, a little over 45% of California is actually Public, Federally owned and controlled land. So if there are issues of ā€œforest mismanagementā€, it would make sense to look there first.


WaPo said Trump referred to the Swedes as raking the forest, so maybe I should give AP a pass for ā€œFinlandā€™s president isnā€™t sure where U.S. President Donald Trump got the ideaā€

The Finnish president told the Ilta-Sanomat newspaper Sunday he did speak briefly with Trump about forest management when the two were in Paris for Armistice Day on November 11. But he recalled the conversation focusing on the California wildfires and a new surveillance system Finland uses to monitor potential fire threats.

But Niinistƶ said he does not recall any discussion of ā€œrakingā€ forest floors as something he would have suggested in any way. He confirmed that heā€™d made the comment about Finland being able to ā€œtake care of our forests.ā€ (Newsweek)

That is quite a bit different than ā€œisnā€™t sureā€.

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This is nothing but a fake rakeā€¦

You mean Donald made this up!!! What a shock.

He remembered telling Trump ā€œWe take care of our forests,ā€ but couldnā€™t recall raking coming up.

That is because it only resides in the mind of our truly demented preznit.
plus it sounds like a good honest lie.

tribalogical - Liked your post. And yes, it would be expensive to care for 33 million acres of forests, but given the cost of the recent fires [billions of dollars], it probably would be a good investment. Finland has about twice as much forest as California, but less than one-fifth of the population. [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/578979/IPOL_STU(2016)578979_EN.pdf] Yet they can afford to care for their forests.

Iā€™m not sure they ā€œcare forā€ their forests the way you think they do. Besides, Northern and Central CA is basically a ā€œtemperate rainforestā€. Finlandā€™s forests enjoy 5 months of near-darkness and deep Winter each year, plus a couple of months coming and going from those. They donā€™t really have forest fires for those reasons, not due to ā€œgood managementā€.

On the other hand, bog fires are a thing in Finlandā€¦

Expensive would be an understatement. We already spend many 10s of billions every year ā€œmanaging Federal landsā€ without trying to add ā€œraking 33 mil acres of forestā€ .

Itā€™a this phrase ā€œcare forā€ that gets meā€¦

Well sure, if you think of ā€œforestsā€ like ā€œcornfieldsā€. But most of Central and Northern California (where the bulk of its forests are) is rough, hilly, mountainous, and sometimes nearly impassable terrain. My dad did a couple of stints doing fire watch (back in his youth in the mid-50s), up in those incredibly dense and remote wilderness areas, literally covered in thick forest. Thereā€™s no realistic way to ā€œmanageā€ or ā€œcare forā€ (and certainly not rake) vast tracts of wilderness like that.

The Camp Fire started in an area like that (or at the edge of one) and blew south like a tornado. Covered the first 6 miles in less than an hour. 17 miles in less than 12 hoursā€¦ Nothing could have prevented that given the conditions created over the past couple of decades of warming and drought.

Trump can try and blame ā€œpoor managementā€ on that, but the cost and the environmental destruction it would require to mitigate flash fires in an area that large is just unrealistic. Especially considering that was just one tiny area in an ocean of forestā€¦

The problem is drought brought on by climate change. Man-made and/or exacerbated climate change.

Yes, the Earth has its 100,000 year cycle of high-temps/low-temps. But we have broken it. Scientists are now concerned the earth no longer has the conditions it needs to ā€œkickstartā€ the next cooling trend (which wasnā€™t due for another few tens of thousands of years).

The only poor management right now is Republican denial of the necessary action to mitigate our environmental and climatic damage.

Hereā€™s some recommended reading to prevent Trumpian levels of foolishness regarding forestry in Californiaā€¦

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