Discussion for article #231748
There’s not a law against ‘stupid’, dude
There would be a lot more dumbasses in prison in the US if that were the case.
So religious extremists should be placated at all times?
No law against stupidity, but don’t complain when it comes back to bite - or overbite - as in the case of this outrageous mass attack. Charlie Hebdo’s attitude was a perfect example of criminally stupid amoralism under the guise of free speech.
K_ub_VA: “Placated at all times?” Straw man question.
With all the images of God, Jesus and Buddha around, it’s easy to see that Judeo-Christians don’t understand that the image of Muhammed is considered sacred and not to be reproduced. Mocking it in cartoons is like waving a red flag in front of a bull - and those right wing Muslims are bulls, and worse. A cartoon putting Muhammed alongside a rabbi, as if they were equivalents, is particularly insulting, and reeks of outright bigotry. I would have expected Josh Marshall, as a Jew, a people that have been subject historically to the worst sort of bigotry and much worse, to understand that, but apparently the ideology of “free press” rules over basic human decency.
I have to edit down my immediate reaction, because honestly the horse this guy rode in on didn’t actually do anything to deserve it.
I now accuseTony Barber of being stupid.
That’s the ticket!
Just lay down and let the stupids do you in.
Thanks for the advice (heavy on the sarcasm)
Being stupid in public is part of freedom of the press and expression. If we have the protected right to our opinions then we have a protected right to be stupid if that is our choice. I choose to be circumspect and thoughtful , others not so much. That’s the nature of freedom, even in France. In France there is a long tradition of satire and needling everything under the Sun. Especially politicians. And in the case of Charlie Hebdo they choose to needle religions. And religious figures. For this guy at the Financial Times to say what he did shows cowardice in my opinion.
I take it you’re not planning on complaining about the responses you’re about to get, then…
I agree.
“They got what they deserved.” Financial Times editor and TPM commenters.
I think we should actually should complain when people are murdered for cartoons.
Baiting? That’s what you do for a religion of fish. Does the Financial Times also placate Putin now? Were they around for Hitler?
He did not say that. He said quite the opposite and that is a fucking shity thing for you to say. You made that remark dude…you live with it. But don’t be a chickenshit and blame it on another.
This explains why the Financial Times never reports the truth about the horrid economic policies foisted on the people of the world. Why goad the Oligarchs.
He is kind of missing the whole point. But what would one expect from a publication dedicated to extolling the accumulation of wealth? Is it any wonder the stock markets are scared of their own shadows? They would probably accept Sharia Law, if it meant not disrupting the markets.
Does no one remember the fatwa issued by Muslims against Salman Rushdie when Satanic Verses was published. We are dealing with humorless people who take their god very seriously and do not tolerate mocking.
Especially in the crudely amateurish and unfunny cartoons of Charlie Hebdo, which were repeatedly marketed as a deliberate provocation to extreme thought and behavior.
How well I remember being screamed at by Catholic protesters (including a couple of nuns in mufti) when I dared to exrecise my right to see Scorcese’s “The Last Temptation of Christ” in New Jersey 20 years ago . . . Good times!
Just like women are stupid for baiting men into raping them, I mean, they’re showing their ankles and everything over there …