Discussion: Ferguson Protest Organizer: Shooting Suspect Was 'Set Up' By Police

Discussion for article #234338

Not helpful Rev. Robinson. In fact very UNhelpful.


He’s fucking idiot. If that is what the Black community in Ferguson wants to put forward as a spokesperson they are asking for the derision they receive. Fucking idiot…the angle is the shooter was NOT a protestor or a resident of Ferguson. That’s the talking point. Tell this fucking idiot to STFU or get on message.

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Some people are making the mistake of thinking that, because of the DOJ report on the Ferguson Police Department, people will be willing to believe anything about the Ferguson Police Department. People, like Rev. Robinson, who think this are woefully mistaken. These off-the-cuff claims of corruption are what make people less likely to believe the truthful claims of corruption. You can only cry wolf so often before people no longer hear your cry. If the suspect was brutally beaten, then lets see the photos of his injuries. It should be an easy thing to prove; unless, of course, it’s not true.

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how in the hell did this guy get access to williams. can any man of gawd just show up at the police station and they let him thru? what a fucking moron; he just provided hours and hours of mockery and makes it very easy to dismiss what the ferguson protests are all about.

and i know alot of people don’t like hall, but she’s one of the few who will actually stop the conversation to insist on proof of claims being made.

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Stupid stupid stupid. We can’t help you if you’re going to shit all over everything.

Looks like in Ferguson a lot of people have a problem with reality and are very quick on make up stuff on the fly. I guess it’s true that people get the government they deserve.

Sure, he’s reached Fox News consumer levels of fact-resistant delusion, but it’s not at all clear to me why it’s more objectionable for this guy to assert things about the shooter without any evidence than it is for the Ferguson P.D. to do it.


The fool has no credibility whatsoever!

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I guess I’m not seeing what is so outrageous about this speculation. We are talking about a police department that cited a person for “making a false declaration” for giving his name as “Mike” instead of “Michael.” http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/04/politics/ferguson-justice-report-shocking/

Why shouldn’t the locals be suspicious that they might try and rig an investigation in order to score PR points over the protestors?


The kind of “leadership” Ferguson needs. LOL

I think because such speculation is NUTS.

What does that have to do with it? There have also been many crimes committed by blacks in Ferguson that they were guilty of. That also has no relevance.

Like most posters on here on this topic, I’m going with common sense and logic. This asshole is not helping.

He’s a Reverend too…

All Ferguson PD have said is that he took the shots, which he admitted to.
“He may have had a dispute with some other individuals, or felt some dispute. We’re not sure we completely buy that part of it,” McCulloch said. “It’s possible he was firing at some other people, and the officers, of course, were in the back. However, it’s still an assault in the first degree.”

That’s a reasonable statement.

Remember also the Feds are in on this investigation.

As to Williams being a protester as McCullough asserted, he would not make the statement if this guy was not on video at other demonstrations. Plus even Robinson said he he saw him walking at the protest. To me that has no negative reflection on the protesters, any more than a rogue cop reflects on all police. It’s easy to believe some a-hole who was pissed at cops would shoot them, and that is totally independent of what other protesters did.

Also Robinson said on Sunday that this guy was being robbed at the time of the shooting, and shot in the air in response. Now that story has changed. Did he find out the cops were not in helicopters? This Robinson guy is a trip.

Actually, if there is a “plant” to make the protesters look bad…it looks like it would be ROBINSON…

I think the point here is that you’re judging a guy who’s for years lived under a minority regime that’s like a nightmarish cross between Dickens and Kafka as if he should think like people from Pleasantville. Paranoia and conspiracy theories are the norm for people who live in that kind of world. And regardless of which side of the divide they live upon. The thought processes illuminated by the DoJ report that were expressed by the Ferguson city government and police aren’t noticeably saner than this guy’s crazy-talk.

Minority governments that oppress the majority for the benefit of the minority breed insanity like a virulent infectious disease because exploiters and exploited alike live in a constant state of fear. The latter fear the police, the former fear that someday the lid will come off. You saw it in the antebellum slave states, feudal aristocracies like pre-revolutionary France and Russia, in Apartheid era South Africa, where the regime saw communists under every bed and murder around every corner, and in Israel today. Ferguson was and is the same cycle, writ small.

If there’s a single fucking sane person of any race in that town, it’s a miracle. And yet, somehow, only the craziness of the people who actually have experiential reasons for being afraid gets noticed.


What does the fact that some blacks actually commit crimes have to do with the fact that the Ferguson Police Department has also shown itself to be corrupt? I’m going to hold those who have been entrusted by the people to up hold the law to a higher standard than some random citizen and the Ferguson Police Department betrayed that trust.
The Ferguson Police Department has been found to have behaved in a systemically racist and corrupt manner. So until they have taken drastic action to clean house, I’m not seeing what is unreasonable about suspecting that they might be continuing in behaving in a corrupt manner. It is possible, and in fact likely that this guy is guilty, but that doesn’t change the fact that the Ferguson Police Department has shown itself to be unworthy of the public’s trust and deserving of having its every action given the utmost scrutiny for even the remotest chance that they are returning to their old form.

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Williams did not enter a plea at his arraignment. If he “confessed” to shooting into a crowd, why didn’t he plead guilty? There is a claim that some sort of gun or ballistics evidence matches him to the shooting, but I would have to see it before I believe anything from McCulloch, who looked very unhappy in the press conference about the level of cooperation he was getting from his suspect. McCulloch and Belmar were visibly disappointed and chagrined that they couldn’t tell the assembled world media this man had tried to shoot policemen. They hated every second of the press conference and got out of there as soon as possible.

NOTHING. That was MY point. You judge the event and the evidence.

The Feds did the ballistics and were very much involved in the investigation. So you are just not accepting reality if you think that all kinds of Federal agents are in on some conspiracy, especially since they compiled the DOJ investigation that trashed the PD.

McCullough is just taking the evidence the Feds got. And I suspect the Feds will also find the people in the car with the shooter, and more info will come out.

Why would he plead guilty at arraignment? That’s nuts, nobody does that. Even if you want to plead guilty, you work out a deal with the Prosecutor first. You don’t just say “yeah, I did it, just sentence me to as long as you want”.

Blame the media for that one. Crazy sells. And it works both ways. You will never see a conservative on TV who is only against late term abortions where the mother is not in danger (and there are LOTS of them, I know many). Instead they put on the nut who thinks as soon as an egg gets fertilized it should be allowed to vote…