Discussion: Felicity Huffman, 12 Other Parents Will Plead Guilty In College Bribery Scheme

On the bright side, they’ve all just proven they have excellent qualifications for a position in the Trump Administration.


Macy was not charged; authorities have not said why.

An enigma, wrapped in a mystery, wrapped in a tortilla.

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Sports like sailing and fencing give students a chance to participate, maybe enjoy athletic achievement, and are not (at least haven’t been until now) corrupted by big-time athletics’ importance as money-makers.


But who can forget the infamous spinnaker-shaving scandal of 1925?

ETA: They made a movie about it, titled, somewhat confusingly, Beam Reach.

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But, but, that would take away from her party time. Think of the muscles - so unattractive!

So Felicity will get fined rather than incarcerated, I reckon. I was so looking forward to her directorial debut in the Big House production of “Waiting for Huffman.”

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It didn’t occur to these parents that, if he/she didn’t meet the minimum standards, that same child might have trouble keeping up with the academic demands? Or did they just assume they could buy their way around that as well?

Great book. Engrossing. I learned more than I expected to about rowing.

Joe Rantz, a member of that UW crew, was my neighbor until he passed away about 10 years ago. I don’t think any of the other neighbors had any idea about his Olympic history until he died.

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Macy was not charged; authorities have not said why.

He’s SHAMELESS; what’s the point?



She won’t have much work either. Projects in the pipeline are being cancelled. That’s its own kind of justice.

@khaaannn Losing work in the future is not exactly a tap on the wrist. It’s punishment in the best or worse way depending on who’s talking about it.

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Don’t be so certain of that. That they pleaded guilty and are accepting the taint of a criminal conviction says something more about their character then any denizen of Trumps or the GOPs swamp.

I wonder what is in Muellers report that would shed light on how Trump reacts to criminal charges?

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On par, in my view, with wrestling. The physical demands required by both are astonishing.

Exactly what law did they break? These are private schools and the SAT is run by a private corporate, what exactly did they do that was legally wrong, morality aside? I keep seeing that they have been charged or have plead guilty to charges but what charges? What is the difference between slipping some benjamins to the lacrosse coach versus building a new gym for the team with their name on it? How can one case be bribery and conspiracy but the other philanthropic? Both are the rich gaming the system so why the big to do in this case? Tell us something we didn’t know already and what is being done about fixing the system. Mail fraud sounds like something the Feds charge you with when they lack for anything better.

Between her and her husband, they won’t be hurting for income any time soon.

I give it no more than 2 years and Lorrie Loughlin will be back on the Hallmark Channel doing her TV movies and Huffman will be back doing movies at full pay. Hollywood has short memories, and so do viewers.

Case in point: Mel Gibson.

He sounds like quite a man.

Edited for clarity.

I truly believe men’s transgressions are more easily forgiven than womens’ and Mel was a huge earner (Mad Max, Lethal Weapon, etc), neither of these women are in the same league, never could be.

@sanni @khaaannn


This is not a gender issue however.

The only reason that these two women were highlighted was they are famous.

None of the other people indicted are famous (well, not “Hollywood Famous”.)

They won’t have any problems getting back to work when the next “shiny object” distracts the MSM.

Remember, Loughlin is a big earner for the Hallmark channel, and Huffman is a very good actress so it won’t hurt them one bit.

Time will tell. But we’re not talking superstars here, in some ways, they’re disposal.

I competed in judo while in college. Everyone on the team was pretty good - I actually made it to nationals one year - but we were more interested in drinking beer than anything else.

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