Discussion: Feinstein: US-Russian Relations Now At Cold War Level (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #225296

Unless Russia is in danger of launching a full-scale nuclear strike against the US, we are not at cold war levels.


Is that what happens when leading from behind Mrs. Feinstein?

That would be Senator Feinstein to you.


I lived through the cold war and I don’t recall hearing about Russian made SAMs blowing a civilian plane out of the sky before.

Two days ago it would have seemed a remote possibility that Russian made SAMs would shoot down a civilian airliner. I wouldn’t put the consideration of nuclear war past Putin.


This is what happens when Putin wants to reassemble the Soviet Union, Lips.

You know—the GOP hero in the battle against The Gay, the guy conservatives have been praising to Heaven for his resolute leadership.

Your ignorance of the facts is truly world-class.


That’s because back then they used fighters to shoot down planes.


Feinstein added that the plane crash shows that countries should only give weapons to those with a “moral compass.”

Like Reagan and the contra death squads.


“From behind Mrs. Feinstein”? Seems like an odd location from which to lead.

Wow, I absolutely forgot about that. Good catch.

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Thank you for making that correction. As a female working in a male-dominated field, I am still surprised by how frequently men are accorded their appropriate titles but women are called by “Miss” or “Mrs”


She continued, dancing into the next room…

“And that’s the way, uh-huh uh-huh. I like it, uh-huh uh-huh”

She’s just trying to give her defense contractor hubby a woody.
She’s no stranger to War Profiteering.


Feinstein’s comment brings into question her understanding of history. The whole notion of the Cold War - the global struggle between the out-sized representatives of two fundamentally flawed ideologies - derived from Stalin’s insane megalomania as expressed at Potsdam. Both ideologies failed on their own, Soviet communism, first in the 1930s out of the megalomia of Stalinism and then finally in its complete collapse in the 1980s, and western capitalism, first in the Great Depression out of the irrational exuberance of the 1920, more recently in the Lesser Dression out of the muscular blithe ignorant hubris of Reaganism, and soon enough in inevitable apocalyptic global collapse.

Putin’s lost whatever marginal international credibility he’s ever had out of this dangerous screwing around with Ukraine. This isn’t any ‘clash of ideologies’; it’s simply the beginning of the end for this former KGB thug.






More unhelpful chirping from the Senile Caucus.


I know, right? When we redefine Defcon 5 back to when that meant having the targeting information pre-loaded into the missiles’ guidance systems, having the whole operational strategic bomber force on 15 minute scramble alert, having a Looking Glass plane in the air 24/7, and when we reform all the divisions we stood down and send them back to Europe, she’ll have a point.

It’s true that relations are the worst they’ve been since the coup attempt in '91, but we are nowhere near Cold War levels of tension. And the reason for that is, quite simply, that there’s nothing at stake in Ukraine that justifies our ramping ourselves back up to that level.

There are a lot of people here in their thirties and younger who have no real recollection of what “Cold War tension” felt like. No recollection of that constant usually subliminal fear of being one screw up away from nuclear annihilation that was like a low grade fever–mildly debilitating, slightly reducing enjoyment of life–that was the cost of being politically aware in those days. It was an awful, awful feeling, one that the modern daily anxieties of life–be they global warming, antibiotic resistance or terrorism–are not at all comparable to either in the affect they have on you or in the way they consumed our entire view of our place in the world.

They have no idea how fortunate they are, and I’m pleased that they don’t. But it means there are a lot of people out there–including journalists, who have had their brains altered to make them not remember anything that happened more than three weeks ago–who won’t find this statement inherently ridiculous.


Feinstein seems ever more determined to make herself California’s version of John McCain.


We really need some fresh blood and perspective from our elected officials.term limits are a must IMHO.