Color me surprised…
This guy is cabinet post material!
hey…maybe THIS is the guy from the pizza parlor that the insane generals white supremacist son is looking for!
Wait … Hillary missed out on this child porn endeavor? You snooze, you lose, Hillz. The deplorables got you beat.
Prepper Porn?
Their Excuse: We are Trump supporters and very white.
You could knock me over with a rock.
Looks like this is one of them people in the basket of deplorables Clinton talked about. A lot of them out there looks like.
In these trying and uncertain times, I find myself questioning previously held assumptions. Like whether civil war is always an altogether bad thing.
C’mon guys, it was just research into the Podesta and Clinton pedophilia ring. Or another false flag to distract from the real criminals. Or he was framed by the Obamas. Or all of the above.
What are all the “false flag” proponents going to do when things like this keep happening after the Trumpsters control the government?
Not exactly the high quality guy to bring home to meet the folks.
Heck…at least it’s “civil” and that is saying something.
especially when he’s older than the folks are —
If these scumbags are accusing others of these horrible crimes, it’s because they’re already doing it themselves.
Besides whacking to kiddy porn when not threatening Muslims, there’s not a lot to do in Garden City, Kansas.
My gravest concern lies with which side is best armed. I can come equipped with a butcher block of knives, a fairly sharp pastry cutter, and I can probably dig up a box cutter. My son can bring his paintball gun (but I think we’re out of paintballs - would gumballs work?) I would propose bringing along his post-workout sweat socks - these make my eyes water - but I suspect these preppers come with their own stink which is far worse than an entire locker room of post-game teenage football players.
Isn’t that the very definition of Trumpism?
What? And risk a visit, and probable fine, from the EPA? Bad idea.
That’s the MO of today’s republican party.