She’s not being tortured. She’s being held in contempt.
If it’s violated to expose US war crimes, certainly. Daniel Ellsberg was also charged with this felony for publishing the Pentagon Papers. Would you have preferred for them to remain concealed? Is that what the Real 'Merican Cool Kids do?
They were a.bit more indiscriminate than that, weren’t they. ?
“…In the period immediately after it was written, the Espionage Act was used to jail hundreds of socialists and pacifists who opposed World War I. Later it would be applied to everyone from KGB spies to nuclear scientists. Since the start of the Obama administration, six leakers have also been prosecuted under the law – twice as many than in all past administrations combined.”
Obama was on the wrong side of history on this, and now it’s Trump’s turn to carry on the tradition he set with his record number of prosecutions of whistle blowers, by busting Assange’s ass as a publisher. Impressive continuity.
Now that’s separated, so as long as Wikileaks is sticking it to the man (you know ‘jeunalism’), it’s all good, right?
Beyond merely prosecuting for this offence, don’t we want him in the US to question him about other matters?
That is assuming we have any honest actors in FBI & counterintelligence forces after Cheeto Voldamort’s purges
You didn’t answer the question about war crimes. Would you prefer they remain concealed? Things like the Pentagon Papers? Or do you believe that leakers and whistle blowers should break the law to reveal such things? I certainly do.
U mean the ones that ‘44’ commuted her sentence over.
Let’s talk about em…keep to the script , please.
Solitary confinement is torture.
Solitary Confinement: Torture, Pure and Simple
Solitary confinement is so egregious a punishment that in 2011, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment condemned its use, except in exceptional circumstances and for as short a time as possible, and banned the practice completely for people with mental illnesses and for juveniles.
Civil disobedience – from Thoreau to Gandhi to King to Ellsberg and beyond – is a threat to law and order. It ought to be punished. If God had wanted the public to know about Stuff, he would never have signed the Espionage Act into law.
Now that Manning has been pardoned, does that mean she can’t refuse to testify in this?
Are there any unpardoned acts that could still be filed against her?
I’m not sure why that’s a hard question to answer, but it’s clear you would rather not so I’ll just drop it.
What do you mean by “keep to the script”? I don’t follow.
The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment defines “torture” as
You see, solitary confinement is not even mentioned therefore it cannot be considered torture.
She wasn’t. Her sentence was commuted.
@inversion enjoys posting unanswerable questions and odd animated gifs of people with perplexed faces.
So that is the script. It is sometimes hard to follow.
Thanks for the explainer.
I’m kind of amazed that some people have to struggle when asked “Do you think the Pentagon Papers should have been released?”, but here we are.
Cognitive dissonance is a cruel mistress.
Aaron also likes doing this
Just so it’s clear, my conversation with Green was about whether Assange should be charged with the espionage act.
Green said no, I asked why, Green bought up ‘Ellsberg, socialists and the KGB’.
I asked again and Green again bought up ‘war crimes and the need to be revealed’.
That said, where do you stand on this George?
After all, no one can get a legit answer/reason from you, unless you’re ‘prodded’ to reveal your hand (bare as it usually is).
@UnfadingGreen gimme a bit and we can finish this.
George…as always, great ‘chat’.
Well, if the password wasn’t cracked, then there is no underlying crime. Or at least, that seems to be the prevailing legal theory at the DOJ nowadays. So I guess this case is shot.