Discussion: Feds Backtrack On Allegation That Butina Offered Sex For Access

Sounds a little like, we don’t want the list of officials she fucked to get out.


Erickson has not been charged with any crimes.

Why not? Some of the incriminating material was found among his belongings, not hers. So did he not know that Butina was a Russian agent?

The “trading sex for access” nonsense is a prime example of prosecutorial overreach. The investigators get really excited when they think they can pile on, and end up being very literal minded in their efforts to paint a suspect as a bad person. The exchange in question was obviously a joke, at least to anyone other than a humorless G-man. But these kinds of gaffes end up hurting their case. One is bound to think, if they got this wrong, what else have they misunderstood?


It was an irrelevancy anyway. Ms. Butina put it on the table with her sarcastic remarks so the Feds have nothing to apologize for. However the AP article uses the same sloppy journalism many have used when reporting on this story. There’s no such thing as a “gun rights” organization in Russia. That was a fabrication made up by Russian intel folks and Ms. Butina. It got her foot in the USA door. She was here to facilitate Russian assistance, both in cash and agitprop, to help the GOP and Trump in particular. Purportedly a collage student yet she’s in many photos with GOP and NRA big wigs Ms. Butina was in fact a Russian agent. In the end it will be determined she served as a bag man for Russian oligarchs wanting to infuse their money into the 2016 presidential election. The NRA will be found a willing accomplice in that. That’s who she is.


Wasn’t she shagging Erickson to get into the Republican party inner circle? Thats sex for access right there.

There is a notable and not surprising overlap between Russiagate and #metoo. Time after time, the people who are at the center of the Russian propaganda efforts turn out to have had serious allegations of sexual harassment against them: Craig Murray, Aaron Banks and of course Julian Assange.


So since she did not do this one man, it follows that she did not do any of them. Uh Huh. And so now we have to question if she was primarily a Russian agent. And that should make for some happy tweets from a retired reality show host. It makes a juicy news story complete with a disappointing plot change hook. I don’t buy it.


The individual, identified in court papers only as DK, had said in the text that he didn’t know what Butina would owe him after he took her car for an insurance renewal and government inspection. She replied, “Sex. Thank you so much. I have nothing else at all. Not a nickel to my name.”

Do young women often joke about only having sex to offer when exchanging texts with a married man, particularly when, as her lawyer claims, she considers him a brother?

I joke about lots of things with women friends who are married, but offering sex isn’t typically one of them. And by “typically,” I mean never. Not once. Wouldn’t even consider it. I don’t even see what makes it “funny.”


So do you think it was a serious offer? Really?

That’s not at all what they said. They just do not have any proof at this time, so legally they can’t make such an allegation. In fact a false allegation can hurt their case. Further investigation due to suspicion is legit, and if during said investigation they find out otherwise, they can change their statements of course.


Actually, I don’t see what makes it funny, hence the words I chose.

As for your question, which is unrelated to my particular statement, I think it was a sexual tease. In my experience, one of the reasons people typically float the idea of sex in completely unrelated one-on-one conversations because they might be interested in having sex. I take it you find the concept inconceivable.


In this instance, I find that a very strained reading, at best. She just forgot to put in the requisite “ha-ha’s.”

Not only that, but she was complaining about it, which Mr. Erickson will hopefully be thinking about next time he’s jumping into bed with a woman.

So, to sum up, a pretty Russian grad student without a penny to her name is sleeping with an older American lobbyist she doesn’t like for an organization she pretends would have influence in her home country, and somehow flying around the country to hobnob with bigwigs, and she isn’t trading sex for access.


huh? so she was a russian honeytrap, but hold the honey? she just likes to flirt a lot, especially with horny old white guys who can promote a pro russian agenda.


Well this isn’t going to fan the Twitter flames at all. Not one bit…

Offering sex to one she considers a brother is akin to the potus openly coveting his daughter. A sleazy bunch here.



The prosecution isn’t pursuing this further because 1) the defense has seized on these sensational aspects to make their case in the media and 2) it’s not worth going about proving motive for her romantic situation when there’s so much other evidence.

But that doesn’t mean that’s not what was going on.


Never really understood the accusation anyway. She’s no Anna Chapman. Not by a longshot lol

That’s understandable. I imagine that’s why they walked it back. It could be either, I suppose, but still seems an odd pun between a single person and their married friend whom they reportedly regard as a sibling. Her description, not mine.


It would be an interesting exercise to find other pictures of those folks when Butina was not around, and count how many graduate students were in close proximity. Hell, it might be enlightening to count how many other grad students are in the picture when Butina is.

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Of COURSE she offered sex for ‘access’. Page one of the GOP rule book which is why they were so quick with the accusation.

The GOP always accuse others of their own malfeasance…