Discussion: Feds Arrest Man In Alleged Aryan Plot To Storm DC And Kill Obama

Discussion for article #234439

He looks smart enought to pull it off, really!


Look for this guy to become a viable candidate in the 2016 Republican presidential primary.


Cameron Stout has a Facebook page, in case anyone really wants to read the typical welfare-hating, gun-loving, hunting-loving, football-loving middle America saga of a former McDonald’s worker, (now also former whatever…last job reported-on was as a roofer). He posted more in 2013 and 2014. Nothing there about scouting out for the POTUS, but certainly a distrust for anything government which might limit his use of a gun, and distrust for anything from government that feeds those poor people who might not have a job, might be a minor child, or might just be down-on-their-luck. I wonder how he’ll enjoy life in prison for the next few years…being fed, clothed, and sheltered 24/7/365 by “the government”, and not being able to have a gun while he’s there.

How muche do you wanna bet that the 512 people listed as “friends” on Cameron’s Facebook page will be getting a visit from the FBI in the next few days to see what those 512 people know about Cameron? If one is gonna be a secret Aryan nation assassinator of an African American president, here’s a tip… don’t have a Facebook page and over 500 “friends” unless you don’t mind all your Facebook friends getting a visit from the FBI when you’re arrested for plotting to assassinate the president!


It’s interesting that nobody in here is crying “entrapment!” You always see a lot of that when the Feds collar a would-be muslim terrorist.
In my view it’s a totally specious argument in both cases, but the fact pattern described above matches that of countless other stories about islamofascists we have seen before.

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WTF is he looking at?

I blame sport fishing…Nice bowl-cut, BTW.


Just so we’re clear, are you seriously saying there have been numerous instances in TPM of stories about would-be Muslim terrorists arrested where commenters here have “cried” entrapment? Because the commenters are presumably more sympathetic to Islamist terrorism than the home-grown right-wing kind? I find that remarkable and would be interested if you could point to a case of it happening even once, because I sure don’t remember seeing anything remotely like that.


Hell, I’ll bite:

The informant met Stout last week while fishing and, the affidavit said, either Stout or his friend “made a rude hand gesture towards” the informant. A confrontation took place, but tensions cooled and the men ended up hitting it off. The informant eventually invited the two to dinner at the his house.

Any lawyer worth their salt is going to have a field day with that one.

Sounds more like he spends too much time playing Call of Duty and thinking it makes him a tactical expert mixed with typical low IQ blame it all on a black man in the White House, than any credible threat. Any other “target” or any other “friend” who wasn’t looking to settle a score and this never even makes the local police blotter.

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Informant’s thermos gazpacho IS to die for…

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“…some of my best friends have been ni…ers”.

Well, alrighty then. No problem.



Your understanding of my point is spot on. I’m a moderately frequent reader and have seen exactly that phenom in this chatroom MANY times. But I don’t keep a file. Not trying to be prickly, but you can search for TPM stories about US arrests of muslim terrorists and check the comments as easily as me.


“That nigger shouldn’t be President,” Stout allegedly told the informant,
adding that “some of my best friends have been niggers.”

Obscene hand gestures aside?
Hope you’re good at making ‘new’ friends Mr Stout.



WTF is he looking at?

Invisible Muslims.


“That nigger shouldn’t be President,” Stout allegedly told the informant, adding that “some of my best friends have been niggers.”

Holy shit, that’s funny!


From this side of the razor-wire-- yeah, it is.



The guy who wrote the song “Welfare Cadillac” said the same thing many years ago.

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It cracks me up that even when racists are talking to fellow racists, they still see a need to clean it up with “some of my best friends are black” or, in this case, “some of my best friends have been niggers”. That’s just too damn funny.


Somewhere Pavlov chuckles.


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Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof…if you’re gonna claim to see it all the time, you’d best be able to find at least one example. Why should someone who claims you’re fulla, be the one who has to prove your b.s. point?

Buster, I’ve gotta say, that’s cojones…you realize that when the other player calls, it’s to see your cards, not to show his own right?