Discussion: Federal Reserve's Yellen Has Good News For Congress

Discussion for article #225051

They can use their balance sheet unwind instead of cutting rates for quite some time.

Investors are the least of the economy’s concerns. They make money either way and the big boys love it when the economy tanks and help to cause that.
Keep putting the masses to work and the rest will fall in place. Under a Democratic administration that is.

Congress is just out to give a heads up to the donor class anyway. Inflation is just another red herring that they like to complain about and think that it makes them sound smart.

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While unemployment stood at 6.7 percent in February, it has now fallen to 6.1 percent, the lowest point since September 2008, reflecting strong job growth in recent months. The economy has created an average of more than 200,000 jobs a month over the past five months, the strongest stretch since the late 1990s.

A few days ago TPM had a chart displaying the numbers of those lacking health insurance, going dramatically down. The number of uninsured dropped to the lowest levels since 2008. Today we are seeing that the jobless numbers have dropped to the level of 2008.

Obviously Obamacare has nothing or very little to do with the decrease of uninsured people, while job creation by the private sector, with it’s healthcare benefits, is the real game changer in the uninsured numbers drop.

So, now you’re crediting the Obama Recovery?
Will you clowns ever get your stories straight?

What Obama has anything to do with the private sector? Isn’t he the one complaining that in Washington nothing gets done? How could he then claim he has anything to do with the recovery?