Discussion: Federal Judge Strikes Down Kentucky Gay Marriage Ban

Being a red state, they’re certainly non-profit.


The judge found the laws violate the Equal Protection clause, but NOT the Due Process clause. Says his reading of Windsor indicates SCOTUS “is unwilling and unlikely to view the right Plaintiffs seek to exercise as fundamental under the Constitution”.

Any thoughts from the legal eagles among us?

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The Christofascists are falling like Teabaggers on Everclear.

Now we have to stop the corporate royalists from enslaving us. They already took away insured birth control and probably all unions. This is serious shit.


It violates both the due process clause and the equal protection clause.

SCOTUS hasn’t said so, because the Right-Wing Five don’t want marriage equality.


Yet one more goes down…they are falling like dominoes.

Don’t worry, Kentuckians…you won’t have to marry your dog and you can stay married to your husband/wife/cousin.

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What is that–20 down, 30 to go? I lost count.

Look Conservatives, when Utah and Kentucky now both allow gay marriage, it’s really time to pack it in and go home.

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The thing is, can you see any advantage to the Rs being the party of government in everyone’s bedroom?
Me either. Americans like to get it on.
Yet the Rs insist on making it the cornerstone of their social policies.
So–the logic of your statement notwithstanding–they’re probably going to continue to do so.
They will lose elections because of it.
And afterwards, they will say “hmmm, maybe we didn’t spin it right.”

In these cases “Right-Wing Five” for once is the wrong term. Justice Kennedy has been a consistent judicial cheer leader for gay rights ever since he joined the court, and in fact he has authored most of the important decisions himself.

If Kennedy had already been on the court two years before he joined it in 1988, even Bowers v. Hardwick might have come out quite differently. Kennedy’s predecessor was Justice Powell, who voted against Hardwick in that case. Kennedy might have done the opposite, as he has demonstrated consistently ever since.

I will miss them saying “We need government out of our lives and leave us alone”…then proceed to try and block gay marriage and tell women what they can and can’t do with their bodies.

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Gay cousins all over Kentucky rejoice.

Well, national Republicans have been conspicuously silent as marriage ban after marriage ban falls. There have been a few meager attempts to rev up the base against it, but they know it’s a losing battle.

I wish Democrats wouldn’t be satisfied with this though. In every single race, they should be saying “My opponent is with the party who denied two loving people to marry. He was on the wrong side if history then and he’s on the wrong side of history with everything now.”

In every debate, they should ask Republicans to reaffirm, for the record, where they stand on same sex marriage. They answer against it, they look ridiculous. They answer for it, they lose any of the tea baggers. It’s a win-win by rubbing their noses in this.

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