Discussion: Federal Judge Orders Halt To Obama's Executive Action On Immigration

Discussion for article #233317

This is what I expected. Nothing wrong when Reagan, Old Man Bush and Dumbya did it, but when the N-*CLANG President does the same thing these Right wing rubber stamp judges do what the Kochs want.


Prioritizing who gets deported first might or might not be a Presidential prerogative, the courts will decide on that. Granting working visas to illegal immigrants via executive action, in all effects giving away green cards via Presidential decree, it’s certainly not. I wish everyone would calm down, take a serious look at this issue and apply all the laws on the books first and then generate new ones to fix what’s really broken.

I don’t see much argument against the President being able to prioritize law enforcement efforts. It’s like saying cops can’t put devote resources to catch a serial killer than to bust litterers. And for those who are at the bottom of the priority list for deportation, unless Congress decides to budget absolutely massive resources (which they appear uninterested in doing), they need to support themselves while they remain here. that means working, unless you want them on welfare, which I doubt you do.


Where are all the latinos activists that was standing in front of the White House? Where is all the hispanics pundits? Where are all the angry Latinos who didn’t vote in 2014 mid-term election because they didn’t get wht they want? Where are all the hecklers who be screaming at the President speeches?

This is the time their faces need to be seem, this is the time their voices need to be heard… Thiis is the time for all hispanic entertainers, politicians, and activists are needed on the front-line.


Is anyone surprised that it was a judge from Texas?


Political decision by an a$$hole hack. The rationale, such as it is, is exactly backward: if you let them stay, you can later make them leave, but if you make them leave the “genie is out of the bottle” AND out of the country and they won’t be coming back. And they’re people and families, not racially defined statistics. Huddled masses no longer welcome in right wing America it seems.


Historically, only the RIGHT KIND of WHITE, EUROPEAN Huddled masses were welcome here.
The Irish, Italians, and Jews from Anywhere were all heavily discriminated against and terribly exploited by the “good protestant Christians” that have controlled the levers of power in the USA since it’s inception.
They have just been here long enough that now THEY are in power so it’s anyone “not them” that is unworthy.


I didn’t elect Hanen.

The people are already here. Why would we need more law enforcement, money, etc.?


Can’t have one without the other. And no, it is not “giving away green cards via decree”. The President has great latitude in the exercise of his absolute Executive Powers. And remember the reason why he did it: Because this GOP Congress is a body that is completely paralyzed and incapable of doing even basic, common sense governance.


“…the President’s lawlessness…”


We mean Texans’ hatred of America.


I’m not surprised that it was a judge from TexASS!

I wish everyone would calm down

You first.


No surprise here. If not for activist Republican judiciary, Hansen wouldn’t have been appointed in the first place. I’m interested to see if the appeals court will take the long view and gut the ability of Republican future Presidents to make Executive Orders, or will they cut off their nose to spite their face.

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Good luck capturing that hispanic vote…

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Oh, they don’t mean it. Wait 'til eJebbie is elected. Just more republicant delay action. Essentially, this is a problem of a politicized Judiciary. Proceed.

Hanen was raise in Waco, TX if that tells you anything. He’s also yet another Bush appointee (first by Bush 1, but that lapsed, so Dubya appointed him). Reagan, Bush and Dubya all basically threw turd in the judicial blender and then painted the courthouse walls across the country with it. Seeing as how he was confirmed by a 97-0 vote, it’s yet more evidence that the Dems stood idly by wondering what color drapes would match best.


More racist intolerance from southern judges.

“They also say the order will force increased investment in law enforcement, health care and education.”

Right…because the people covered by the executive order aren’t living here already? Such broken logic belongs in a fucking cartoon, not in a legal brief.


Well… the President’s action is only ‘virtually irreversible’ only if you assume that the GOP congress continues to remain impotent as far as passing meaningful immigration reform.

One of the ways that the Justice Department could defeat this move would be to change the theory of the underlying power that is used to enable the result that the president is looking for. Instead of ‘prosecutorial discretion’, the president could exercise his prerogative under Article II, § 2 and just grant them pardons. Currently, there is a lot of bureaucratic complexity built up around the pardon process but that is in place only by executive order. It can be changed. Perhaps the administration could setup a web site to streamline the process?

This could move the outcome from ‘virtually impossible’ to reverse to absolutely impossible to reverse. The phrase that comes to mind would be “How do you like dem apples?”.