Discussion: Federal Judge: NJ Town Discriminated By Blocking Mosque Construction

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You know, if they had agreed to be baptized like everyone else in town they wouldn’t be having these problems.

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"In a major victory for local Islamic leaders, "

It’s a major victory for religious freedom and American values, too.


The U.S. Justice Department filed its own suit in November, accusing the township of “using ever-changing local requirements” to prevent ISBR members from enjoying their right to worship.

anyone see a familiar semblance to laws dealing with abortion rights or voting rights?

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Having lived in Basking Ridge for the last 32 years, I can assure you that prejudice against muslims has been open and vehement since 9/11. The town lost a half dozen people when the tower collapsed and the residents keep it fresh in their minds.

us Abrahamic religious types need to stick together. discrimination against one, is discrimination against all.

and that truly is unfortunate. however, I kind of doubt the flock planning to worship at the planned Mosque had anything to do with 9/11, and probably thought it was appalling.

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I too am in the “not surprised” category regarding the local reaction. Each of the towns along that railroad spur, originally built by Diamond Jim Brady, are upscale towns home to the financial folks who worked at the World Trade Center. Every town along the way lost many citizens who had many friends. In 2001 there was a large ATT/Bell Labs presence in the area and hence a more diverse and accepting ethnic/religious community – that influence died with Lucent. So one hopes that Basking Ridge can swallow its pride and accept the Mosque and its members as members of their greater community, an action they could take pride in.

Oh don’t even try that garbage. Islam is UNLIKE ANY other religion on this planet. In the first place it’s far from merely a “religion” it’s doctrines dictate to followers how to live their entire lives right down to which hand to use to wipe your butt with. Islam has no place in America - that’s WHY it wasn’t welcomed in the first 200+ yrs of our existence. Before its over it will be evicted from ALL of America - as it should be.

Oh I don’t know - let’s ask them if they reject the doctrines of jihad and the doctrine of Sharia. I’m sure that we can believe everything they say - since one of Islams biggest tennents is honesty.
Allah= “The Great Deceiver”
Islam= “To Submit”
Oh yeah, sign me up! My children too! NOT