Discussion: Federal Judge In Washington State Blocks New Trump Abortion 'Gag Rule'

A federal judge in Washington state has blocked new Trump administration rules that could cut off federal funding for health care providers who refer patients for an abortion.

I wish I still had one tenth the energy they have.


I was about to say that Yakima is a very conservative city east of the mountains in Wa., but then I see he was appointed by Obama to the federal judge position.


Kellyanne, go explain this to him.

Why do I always have to tell him about sex stuff?

Bowling Green Massacre?



I guess the Trump administration never heard of Freedom of Speech. I don’t think this rule passes 1st Amendment muster.


The depths that Republicans go to that make it difficult for women to get health care (not just abortions, but contraceptives as well) are disgusting, considering their positions on so many other things that are about the freedoms of the individual. Forcing doctors to read a bunch of lies to a woman should not be possible, and yet it happens is multiple red states. It’s only going to get worse…the rush to promote anti-abortion laws, and wrap refusal to provide health care in “freedom of religion”, is going to lead to a SC decision that makes abortion illegal in at least some states, and more difficult in all of them.

This was well known in 2016, too bad we couldn’t elect someone who would have stood up and protected women against all of this…


Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter. This buys Trump more time to hope that one of two things happens: (a) Barr finds history’s most bizarre loophole, or (b) he can hope somebody makes a misstep.

Which, basically, only buys him more time. But just as when you’re talking five, ten bucks eventually adding to real money… well, a few weeks here, and a couple of months there, weighed down by a new court case that has to wait a few more months or weeks, and…

Voila, any crook can become President. You just have to act like Marlon Brando : - )


This never gets old …

“They tell you that there’s a war on women. There is no war on women. There may be a war on what’s inside of women, but there is no war on women in this country.”
— Dr. “Uncle” Ben Carson


Oh, they’ve heard of it. They’re trying to do something about it.


In Last Tango?


So what if it’s medically necessary?! The woman is merely a container and her individual rights and interests are irrelevant. That’s what this amount to once again. (And yes, this is snark.)


That’s for damn sure. I wonder if all of their actions could be bundled together into a lawsuit claiming that the cumulative effect is a violation of the Civil Rights Act.


lol… That wouldn’t have been my first guess in this context, but anytime is a good time to tango : - )

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Democrats who read Margaret Atwood’s A Handmaids Tale see it as Dystopian Science Fiction novel about a future theocratic Government of the United States that enslaves and oppresses women.

Republicans who read the same novel see it as an instruction manual.

(Sig line from a diarist at Daily Kos)

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Every executive order from the Trump administration should come with an immediate injunction these days. His adminstration isn’t even trying to fake following the law or Constitution anymore.

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Bob Ferguson rocks!

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OT, yet !OT:


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Just saw that on Westlaw and was going to post it here.

(Reuters) - The Kansas Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the state’s constitution protects a woman’s right to an abortion and upheld an injunction blocking a state law that would have banned a common second trimester abortion procedure.

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