Discussion for article #230808
Put the sumbitch in his signature pink tutu.
Fine his department a million dollars a day for every day they dont comply with the judges ruling. Money talks and bullshit walks.
Jail him for contempt - but in all likelihood, if it looked like he would not be able to get out of doing his time, the 82 year old weasel would probably plead that he is too old - and being put in jail would be too hard on him.
If I disobeyed a court order, I’d be in jail. Why not this gelatinous chunk of doody with legs?
“U.S. District Judge Murray Snow will hold a hearing Thursday to discuss
appointing a prosecutor to press a contempt-of-court case against
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who could face punishment ranging
from daily fines to jail time if he is found to be in contempt.”
Arpiao runs a tent city jail where inmates wear pink jump suits. It would be karma coming home to roost and poetic justice to see him incarcerated in his own creation. Arpiao considers Maricopa County to be his personal fiefdom to do with as he sees fit. In plain words he acts as though he is a law unto himself.
“I don’t think that’s very likely, simply because he is an elected official,”
There is America in a nutshell. Americans…you have elevated your authority figures above the law. That’s why cops kill your kids and walk and that why Joe is walking now. Who gives a shit if he is an elected official. There are no exemptions in the contempt laws for “elected officials”. None of the elected officials I know would give me a break for contempt so why should I cut them slack?
Fix this. I’d start by getting rid of Joe. Next in line would that fucking Judge. After all, the Judge is not complying with the law either. If you want to know where this goes if you don’t fix it…read a history book.
Carved in stone over the door to the Supreme Court are the words “Equal Justice Under law”. That should not be a difficult concept. And it should apply to everyone, elected or not.
It’s been a long time since Sheriff Joe has given himself a promotion, I think he should add a few stars to his collar.
Wait a minute. Racial profiling is a CRIME! And this criminal has a GUN! Can the cops shoot him?
I wonder if the Feds can use the RICO statute against the county?
Sheriff Joe is looking more and more like a crime boss.
Not as long as they accept RPie-Hole’s hushBucks.
Judge is pissed. Xmas comes early for Joe. That’s about it.
Old white guy goes to jail? Unpossible. Doesn’t happen here.
Please, FOX News has convinced the ignorant that this man is a hero. He ain’t goin’ no where . . . .
Right. That’s why we have sent any number of governors and former governors to jail (and there is at least one that is awaiting sentencing next month.) And there have been US Senators and Congressmen sent to jail as well, including the Congressman that this site’s “Golden Duke Awards” was named for. It’s only law enforcement officers who seem to be able to skirt the law.
I didn’t agree with that remark when I read it in the article.
awarD thIS AmerICAN HerO for DOING the JOB NOBAMa DOESn’t HAVE the BRass SACK to DO: PUShed THEse MELLOn-CALVEd MExICANs baCK acROSS the BORder!!11!11!one!!11!!!
If he refuses to comply, I suggest a choke hold. Make sure it’s done in public in front of several witnesses. And taped.
Mr. Arpaio’s infamous Cold Case Posse was a non-profit. Has any media reported on the filings that, by law, had to be done? Contributors by name, expenses, the entire ball of wax.
Arpaio is one of the more disgusting racists in this country, we would all be better off if he were put in jail, preferrably the same one where he ridicules and de-humanizes his own inmates.