Discussion: Federal Judge Blocks Texas' Tough 'Sanctuary Cities' Law

“The court cannot and does not second guess the Legislature,” Garcia wrote. “However, the state may not exercise its authority in a manner that violates the United States Constitution.”

Even in Texas?



Harvey explosions- http://www.khou.com/weather/harvey/explosions-at-arkema-chemical-plant-in-crosby-tx/469003777

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Where are the Cliven Bundy fans who believe that sheriffs outrank state and federal governments?

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There is no such thing as a sanctuary city, and I’m really God damned tired of Rumpublicans making shit up. No local government is protecting Federal immigration suspects from Federal officers. The phrase is pure crap.

Who among all the alleged brawlers, burglars, drunk drivers, thieves, drug dealers, wife beaters, molesters and rapists who normally fill a jail, should be released to make room for suspected violators of Federal immigration law?

If the answer is all of the above, then enjoy your pardon, Joe Arpaio.

If the answer is we’ll release them when we’re good and ready, after they’ve made bail, or been acquitted or sentenced somewhere else, or had their charges dismissed, or generally when we’ve done our job, then The Rump is going to call us a sanctuary city.

The State of TX is more than willing to burn my tax dollars for frivilous lawsuits.    And then they complain about being out of cash for Public Schools, Retirement plans etc.      How they get re-elected is beyond logic.