Yes. Voter ID = vote suppression of non GOP inclined voters. Kudos to the court for getting it.
The court on Wednesday denied the two first requests, but allowed the inclusion of language permitting Texas to continue to oppose legal challenges to the law.
Not to swift on the old uptake there, are ya, Texas? How many more time do you want to lose?
The State of Texas is gambling/hoping Trump will be nominating the next justices to the high court.
Via the 2nd Amendment?
A certified copy of a birth certificate, which is the basis of every other bleeping bleeping piece of identification a person can obtain in this country, is not sufficient by itself in Texas. Okaaaaaaaay.
But a carry permit is. Yep, I can see how even the fifth circuit got tired of this.
This is actually good news for the wing-nuts. Now when Trump looses they can scream voter fraud. Clinton’s entire margin of victory (millions of votes) will be described as fraudulent.