Discussion: Federal Court Blocks Obama Rule Expanding Overtime Pay

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Yeah, but, you know, it’s all OK because both sides are the same. No difference. Lesser of two evils. Totally equivalent.


Unions will be dismantled, pays will decrease…the Rapist administration will be heavily pro-business. and in the end, we, the ordinary joe, will be fucked over…as usual.


So how are the white middle class unemployed and under employed in the rust belt feeling about Trump and Republicans now? Trump is more concerned about the view for his 2 gold courses in Scotland than he is about jobs and the middle class.

As Colin Powell said in one of his hacked email messages, “Hillary screws everything up”. He is so correct…she isn’t corrupt or a crook as the Republicans and their very conservative corporate owned mainstream media brain washed into Americans…she just screws up. And now the American worker, especially in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Wisconsin are in for the screwing of their life. We’ve all seen the anger and violence and attacks by the deplorables during the campaign and now right after the rigged electoral college…what will Trump’s stirred up deplorables do once they wake up and realize the raper in chief is a complete fraud and he has no plan to bring the jobs back!


Well, Trump did claim Americans make too much money, so I’m sure his actions will remedy that.

American voters are idiots.


If like Bernie, the Democrats actually listened to the rural and urban middle class and poor, they would have won the White House, Senate, and the House in a landslide.

Start with jobs…Bill Clinton, Bush, followed by Obama have done nothing to create jobs or development programs for displaced workers in industries like obsolete coal…training to be qualified for the new sources of energy like solar.

The DNC totally ignored the fact that the US has an over population crisis…323 plus million is too many for our once wide open land mass. Immigration reform must be part of a plan to gradually reduce the US population back to sustainable levels. Obama and Clinton totally ignored this message that the middle class wants addressed!

Then we have the upside down tax system…where Donald Trump and billionaires can get away without paying any (ZERO) income taxes in 18 years!

Obama was a big disappointment: he lied about reversing NAFTA, he lied about ending the needless and expensive wars, he lied about fisxing the financial system following the Geroge Bush Financial crash. No bank execs were prosecuted and the Dems failed to restore Glass-Steagall with updates for things like CDO’s (derivatives).

Then we have Obamacare…and how Obama himself could be so wrong about its implementation. He lied to the middle class.

If the DNC doesn’t wake up and realize they have lost their way, the Democrats are done for good. Bernie was the right man, with the right message, and with the right plans for government policy to change the direction of the nation.

Now we have a rapist in Chief…and Obama owns as much blame as Hillary for this deplorable result.

I hate to feel this way, but:
This won’t affect me, so screw 'em. Let them have the government they voted for. It’s just too bad that they are taking everyone else with them…


Hillary’s fault! Will you be using that in 4 years as well?


You’re a piece of work, you know that? Are you going to be whining that Bernie could have fixed everything on 4 or 8 years?


Hope it disproportionally affects people who voted for that person.


History will show, in reviewing the next four years, an overwhelming destruction of the Obama legacy. History will show the demise of the progressive agenda, beginning with the new Petulant in Chief’s inauguration.

History will show this was the beginning of the end of the US as we knew it. And we will have the privilege of living through it.

How long until the masses figure it out?


The timing of this really sucks. Talk about a war on Christmas. Who ever brought this suit is truly a Grinch.


Thanks again, Texas, for obstructing real progress in this country. First they came for the textbooks…


Macroeconomics is the simplest subject which most people know for certain, while having it exactly backwards. This overtime rule is the most perfect example I’ve seen in a while, of misapplied micro thinking to get the macro problem exactly wrong.


This is so simple to solve…
Just hop in your Dr-Who-Alternate-Time-Travel-Telephone-Booth-Thingy, bring us back a ‘President-Elect Sanders’ coffee mug and prove us all wrong.

I am fascinated to see how a socialist Jew would have defeated today’s alt-right GOP. Especially against a candidate who earned more primary votes against 16 candidates, than Bernie did against just one.



There is so much wrong with this one hardly knows where to begin. But first this has what to do with a federal court siding with Republicans in hurting the very people you say the Democrats have not helped. Next Obama tried and tried and tried again to get Congress to move on jobs.

Next an over population crisis? Our birth rate in this country has been flat for decades average less than two children per woman since the sixties. And there as still places in this country that have fewer than 15 people per square mile.

He realized, as Bernie would have, renegotiating NAFTA will do nothing to bring back jobs from Canada and Mexico. Manufacturing jobs are only coming back for robots.

He lied to the middle class? I have no clue who you are, but you a clearly as about as poorly informed as I have seen anybody.

And Sparky there have been two Presidential candidates that have won more popular votes than any President in History, Obama and Clinton. The party is not in as much trouble as the hair on fire folks like yourself want us to believe. I suggest you might want to be better informed and less hyperbolic the next time you comment.

Oner last question . Did you vote?dd


Yes, they will. Bernie would not have won. I can see it now, "Hey look, Bernie’s wife is a frumpy hippie that no one likes…but look at Melania…she’s a babe…vote for us! You get the reality tv star and a model! Woot! Woot!

But you know what, if Bernie had won the primary…HRC supporters would have voted for him without any of this purity bullshit. HRC voters knew the consequences and the Bernie folks obviously didn’t understand or care. HRC voters would have voted for Bernie for the sake of the country but Bernie supporters just thought their vanity and smugness were far more important. That’s what pisses me off about the Bernie folks, they are as complicit in this disaster as any of the trump supporters.




Many affected probably voted for P.T. Trump. If they did, screw them.


Bernie never had the support of black/brown voters. If anyone thinks he could have won in the general without it, they are clueless. Kurt Eichenwald saw the GOP oppo book against Sanders - it was brutal. He was the candidate they wanted. It would have been a popular vote bloodbath. http://www.newsweek.com/myths-cost-democrats-presidential-election-521044