Discussion for article #245625
One day Blacks and Hispanics will get the message they’re not welcome in the voting booth. Until they experience such an epiphany Republicans will just have to codify it in the laws. Uppity is soooo yesterday…
How did Kris fuckin’ Kobach get to mainline his racist zealots onto federal commissions so quickly? Who nominated this guy for the appointment in the first place? What opposition did the appointment meet before confirmation? This naked assault on the rule of law is more serious than Bundyism: at least, we can shoot back at them if the need be!
Call me naive, but why is that a problem? I had to show my Passport when I registered to vote in Virginia. A birth certificate would also have been acceptable. I thought voters in elections were limited to citizens.
< snark >
We are now in FULL FASCIST REGALIA!!! You must PROVE that you are a US Citizen to FUCKING VOTE!!!
< / snark >
Or being serious, ABOUT FUCKING TIME…
I love the pic. I sort of expected them to photoshop an SS cap on him, but the pic makes him look pretty … 3rd-reichish?
Trump: Not enough; Only whites should be allowed for voter registration and they all should have a long form birth certificate from US.
Too funny. Forcing the oldster whites to dig up their birth certificates would lead to much hilarity, including a market in forgeries.
Make the rule every year. Absentee ballots only on proof of citizenship. /s
Passport is not free, I think it costs around $400 or so. Do you propose all citizens should have passports? One of the southern states(Alabama?) would accept free Voter ID but then they reduced the number of offices issuing voter Id near where there are democrats (poor/blacks).
I used to be naive and for Voter Id. Its just another way to suppress democrat votes.
Seriously, it isn’t about Trump or anyone else. It is a requirement to be a citizen to vote in a US election. Why is it a problem to show that you are a citizen? I just don’t get it.
Try voting in ANY other country by just showing up without any proof of citizenship.
In fairness, he’s just trying to cut down on voter fraud.
In related news, the USDA today announced new measures to combat outbreaks of man-eating unicorns.
You would get it if you were born black in the South, and never got a birth certificate. How would you propose to demonstrate your citizenship?
What do these states accept as proof of citizenship? I’ll bet the proportion of residents with passports is below 5%, and how many people keep a birth certificate within reach?
It’s designed to make it more difficult for the “wrong” kinds of people to vote. And we all know who the “wrong” kinds of people are when you’re a Republican.
Here’s video of Mitt Romney’s advisor during the 2012 elections telling an applauding crowd why it’s a good thing:
I find it hypocritical and ironic that the same politicians advocating for strict voter ID requirements go into full apoplexy/black helicopter/there’s an RFID chip implant in my brain! freak out when a National ID card system is suggested.
Voter fraud? That is Anne Coulter voting in the wrong district. That is Liz Cheney’s husband being registered to vote in Virginia (which is where they actually LIVE), and also in Wyoming (where they want her to get elected to the House). That is true voter fraud.
This is really only about having a normal process for voter registration. There are requirements, and one is that you must be a US citizen. It is not unreasonable to show that you are a US citizen in order to vote IMOP.
It is annoying when people make stupid statements like this, which gin up concern.
To find the actual cost, google “passport cost”. From the State Department:
“New, replacement or renewal of a passport book: $110 if age 16 and older; $80 if under the age of 16. New, replacement or renewal of a passport card: $30 if age 16 and older; $15 if under the age of 16.”
If you do not have a copy of your birth certificate, you are a moron. A MORON. You can get a replacement for $15. Everyone should have their birth certificate.
This is again STUPID-TIME. Getting basic documents like this is NOT UNREASONABLE. I have my BC, my children’s, my father’s, mother’s, wife’s, both grandparents, and several great grandparents.
But this isn’t about showing an ID when you vote. It is about registering in the first place, which you only need to do once. It is to show that you meet the requirements before you vote.
He has no authority to require this.
The law does not require it.
The Constitution does not require it.
He deliberately avoided making this widely public so that people would attempt to register, he could fail their registration and they’d find out too late to fix the problem before November.
His ass is going to get canned and if this wasn’t Kansas and he wasn’t already planning to go running to Kobach for a job suppressing votes afterwards, I’d hope him a long and miserable unemployment.
Apologies. I just got in couple of years ago for the entire family. I recall paying around $400. So that will be $400 for a family of 4 + Photographs etc. Rings like Poll Tax to me.