I’m not sure bullets are the right analogy for a sitting president.
A metaphysical bullet.
What other penetrating armor analogy would you recommend?
Well, it’s a start. I just hope this actually happens and that they take the orange anus down!!!
At some point cable news is just going to break. It cannot handle the load.
they are for this one.
Step 1:
Just one more dinner mint in that fat mouth of his and all our troubles will be over. I saw it in a movie.
No other president has had the need or audacity to create income from commercial sources while in office. Most all of them have freely offered up their tax documents as a show of good faith.long after he is gone, the revelations of his blatent criminality and malfeasance will be exposed …people will be “shocked” even though it continues to happen in front of their face.
Let’s take about 20% off there, chief.
“It is wahfer thin!!” I’ll even chip in for the bucket…
Are you talking about the barrage of multifaceted attacks? Too much?
Are you some anti-2A nut? /snark
It’s not about body armor but public opinion. The more of these challenges Spanky overcomes, the more powerful he is in the eyes of his supporters. The more of these challenges he overcomes, the more bogus the challengers appear to the lightly-informed.
A problem we have is that the noise level is too high. It’s drowning out everything of substance.
Well, that and that the amount of malfeasance is off the charts and in every direction.
Don’t we all hope this one gets to discovery?
Yet none of it is proven. I’ve been saying since the election that dems need to stop reacting and become strategic. Strategic, persistent focus is the best possible weapon to bring to this fight. Instead, we’ve brought microphones that amplify the distractions.
Yes, discovery would be the reason to persist.
[quote=“paulw, post:18, topic:75262, full:true”]
Don’t we all hope this one gets to discovery?
[/quote]I hope this one gets to the point of the discovery discovering direct payoffs and the continuation of money laundering schemes.
But, I’m rather greedy that way.