Discussion: FCC Votes To Repeal Obama-Era Net Neutrality Regulations

How can something that gets no more than ~5% of the total support be considered “major”? History clearly shows that these 3rd parties have never done anything other than throw the election to their ideological rivals. That does not seem like the definition of something major or something positive for the prospects of third parties in the future.


If it ain’t broke, why fix it?

I mean, c’mon, I wasn’t born on a turnip truck, okay?!

If it isn’t going to change then clearly something is wrong here, amirite?

On the face of it, that’s one of the most ridiculous statements they could make. Why else are they spending millions of dollars for? Because they like to? Because they would rather waste it on buying politicians than on paying their employees? Because nothing says wealth like a good office redecoration?

Jeebus, pikes indeed. And tar to preserve the rotting fetid things on the pikes.

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As far as Clinton voters are concerned we do not have to pretend, we know because it happened in 2008: an overwhelming majority of Clinton voters (myself including) enthusiastically voted for Obama. And Clinton in 2008 (unlike Sanders in 2016) worked her ass off to make sure that happens, from the moment she accepted the defeat and to the moment she voted in the general election.


Is this on orders from his sponsor - Hershey’s ???

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Thanks for this illuminating and thoughtful comment, something I was not expecting after your first one. I found this line especially good:

That’s an even a more predictable outcome now that the two major parties are more ideologically distinct than in the past.

And there’s the rub, isn’t it?

Your analysis of the peculiarities of the American political system is much better than anything I could do, and I readily concede that we could not sustain both Labo(u)r and Social Democrats without ceding most elections to the conservatives (it is actually a question of whether Great Britain could). Where I think I still disagree is whether the effect prior to vote count counts as well as the vote count. Perhaps less so Ralph Nader, John Anderson and Ross Perot – but perhaps Fighting Bob and Eugene Debs?

People here vilify Sanders supporters and Greens as if that was expedient – it just seems to me to counterproductive.

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Really? I just used my first and last name, but I have an unusual first name. It worked for me. It takes you to the FCC site. Then if you go through the names that apply to you, and they’re submitted falsely or in a misleading way, you can go back to the NY AG’s site and file an online complaint with his office…which is exactly what I did.

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And one more thing before I bid adieu (or “a-d’oh!”, as Homer would say), while I am still full of my usual piss and vinegar: no more allowing anyone to run in a Democratic primary who hasn’t had a big, fat fucking “D” after their name for a goodly amount of years.
If you’re ashamed to be known as a Democratic, run in your own fucking primary - or caucus, if you prefer. Just stay the fuck away from ours. If you’re so fucking loved and righteous and popular, why in the fuck do you need us to boost your fucking chances?


Because he did NOTHING to support the Democratic party – he just wanted infrastructure and mailing lists and money and did absolutely nothing for all of that support except set fire to the house once he’d drank all the beer and eaten all the peanuts.

Do you not see that affiliating with a party ONLY when you want stuff from them, getting that stuff, then going back to being “just friends” so you don’t have to do anything reciprocal, is a classless and crass behavior?

Fuck him.


You are really clueless if you thought that the dems could have passed a single payer. Dems risked their political careers to pass ACA, many of them lost their political careers because of ACA. They did it to make sure that more Americans have access to an affordable healthcare and they achieved the goal. Some failure…

As for your “should be provided by the government for no profit”: can you show me a single transition plan to single payer that (a) would not leave tens of millions currently covered through the employers worse off in the interimand (b) would not look like ACA in one way or another during this transition period? I am interested but I never saw such a plan. I heard Sanders-like slogans but slogans are not a plan.


I love how they use the excuse, “Well, he always caucuses with the Democrats!” Oh, really? Then let’s see him caucus with the Republicans and see how long his career lasts as an Independent Vermont senator.


No shit. I do not want the Democratic party to be dumb enough to allow someone who isn’t a goddamn Democrat to run on our ballot, on our party structure.

I’m still mad! All the benefits and then the stab in the back.


Maybe it was DailyKos or Act Blue’s list that got hacked. I considered that since I have in the past signed their petitions but not for quite some time…and not this summer or late spring as was indicated under my name. Somewhere though those sites have my name on file and I wondered if they were the ones that had that information stolen. The submission under my name was opposite of what I would have written about NN if it were authentic (which it wasn’t).


I hear where you’re coming from, but disagree. I’ve posited in the past that over the past generation we lost something when we lost the concept of “public shaming”. If anything goes, you can’t criticize anything!

Well, not anything goes. If somebody’s actions harm their cause, and even our democratic institutions, then it’s okay to call them out on it. Susan Sarandon to this day won’t acknowledge her failings, so shame on her and I’m boycotting anything and everything she works on (she joins a short but illustrative list - Woody Allen, Mel Gibson, Frank Sinatra and Will Ferrell. Can’t even say why Ferrell is on the list, but I just can’t stand that guy!)

My lame attempt at humour aside, a bunch of people took actions which helped put Donnie in the White House and it’s okay to call them out on it. Especially if it discourages even a few folks from doing it again “to protest” or “prove a point”. Participate with all your heart in the primaries, but then suck it up and deal with it when your favoured candidate doesn’t get the nod. As the past 11 months have shown is, this is all too serious for you to sit it out or let your hurt feelings justify this repeating itself.


I don’t tweet, Cupcake.

I know there have been many major parties in US history, and said as much.
The only time a third party was important in a US presidential election has been when that third party was acting as a spoiler—see Ralph Nader and Jill Stein—and kept the right person out of the Oval Office.

You’re backing a loser here, as arguments go, and no amount of goalpost moving, straw man building, or resorting to logical fallacies will improve your argument.


Me, too.

This will keep a lot of lawyers in yachts.

For example, if my business is subject to federal disclosure or other requirements, how can I meet my legal obligation to inform the public if service to my site is so poor?

Also, if ISPs are now “throttling” my content, can’t I now hold them liable for the malware or spam they deliver?

Also, if my ISP goes down due to a DDoS attack, shouldn’t my extra cost be refunded?

Also, if an ISP throttles a site down, how is that not discriminatory? Or restraint of trade?




Somehow the numb skulled puppets of the trumpp admin think that three Rs on the FCC are going to be allowed to set policy for the Internet. It goes without saying the two Democratic members voted no and loudly and with explanations as to why the decision was corrupt. I won’t be going out on a limb to predict that Xavier Becerra, CA AG will join in.


There was much, much discussion around getting health care to as many people as possible and, in the face of a huge amount of pushback from the other side, Obama decided to not “let the perfect be the enemy of the good” and took what he could get. Many of is lamented that it couldn’t have been more, but we understood that it was better to get something and then work to expand on that.

No one knew back then that there would be a vindictive, mean-spirited, ignorant, careless, thoughtless asshole hell-bent on completely destroying every good thing that was done before he got to town.


That’s the show I was talking about. I love me some Jessica Lange too. She brings the crazy like nobody’s business.

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