well i’m sure that will put this matter to rest, then.
No one saw that coming. Except for everyone who isn’t suffering from Clinton Derangement Syndrome.
And the Drumpian Twitter meltdown begins in 5, 4, 3, 2, …
Extremely careless. Well, you can bet that will appear in countless Republican ads the following months. Yay. =/
ABC tweets that 110 e-mails were classified at the time of sending, but when you watch the video Comey says it’s in 52 e-mail chains, so some are dupes, and most are low-level classifications.
He also didn’t say that any were ones she sent, so it’s possible they were messages on which she was cc’d or received directly.
Not much there, there.
Yeah right! This issue will never be over until after HRC wins the election. I never felt she’d be found guilty of anything but the media are having a field day and so will the Trumpeters and it won’t matter that Comey is a republican. The bad news is that they can push the carelessness and incompetence. Fuck!
There is enough to keep this an issue no matter what. Carelessness, bad judgment, etc.
Anyone who was actually paying attention to only actual events that were happening and not just doing wishful thinking would’ve been able to see this was the inevitable outcome months ago, and they’d have known why, too.
Where are all the Bernie Bros who, for months, told us to pick Bernie because there was a Clinton indictment in the works?
Best news for HRC? No Star of David shape in the pile…
I wonder who is more disappointed, the Trump campaign or Sanders’?
so what. it’s airsoft pellets compared to the stuff that is being, that has yet to be, and that will be pushed against trump.
It’s really great that this issue is almost over. This is wonderful news for Secretary Clinton and all Democrats. And it is so boring (servers, chatty emails, ISP security protocols, etc.) that it will fade quickly from our TV screens. This is a real step forward for our nominee.
The added bonus is that by scratching this issue off, Bill Clinton has one less opportunity to screw stuff up, big time.
(Unfortunately, he’ll probably find something else that REALLY needs his attention.)
I hope “Crying Trey Gowdy” becomes a meme.
And the mouth-breathers just emitted a little scream heard round the world. But thankfully they’ve been preparing conspiracy memes and are ready to launch then in 5…4…3…2…
Every show on Fox News for the next 72 hours:
sLIPPERY and Crooked HitLAry IS not OFF the HOOK. WHen PResidenT TRumP is PREsident, President TRUmp will PROSecuTE her FOR literally sLOPPY Benghazi EMail SErvers and LEttING BILL get mouth SEX from Interns.
At least until her eighth year in office. That’s when the lame duck session begins for Democrats.
And it’ll probably overlap Pocahontas-gate for a few years, too.