Discussion: FBI Reportedly Looking Into Paul Manafort's Foreign Business Ties

“The FBI did not comment on NBC News’ report.”

What, no vague and foreboding letter to Congress about it from Comey?


Reportedly? REPORTEDLY?

Here’s an idea - maybe Comey can write a letter and end it with “The extent of Donald Trump’s involvement with Manafort’s possible illegal activities is unknown at this time.”


Who is that shooting the bird in the picture?

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Comey has to get his house in order. These dueling FBI leaks are bad for the country, and they already “forced his hand” on the letter last week. He’s completely lost control of the agents who are inserting themselves into a presidential election.

Even if he shouldn’t resign for the “extremely careless” and the recent letter, unless he can get the respect of the rank and file he has no place there.


Everytime I see PM, I think of Dudley Moore. Maybe we’re all just in “Bedazzled,” and don’t know it.

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Over under on getting indicted after Nov 9th?


Zero, if Trump is elected.

One in Ten if Hillary is elected and decides to follow Obama’s “don’t want to appear partisan” credo.

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I think it’s too late. FBI has dropped the ball on Russia’s interference and manipulation and shown itself to be a deeply corrupt partisan organization with rogue agents including Comey. They’ve tampered with a US election and won’t/can’t undo that.

How can anyone trust these hacks when they conclude 1) no case against Trump for tax evasion 2) for bribing officials 3) for colluding with Russia. (And they will because that would seem “too partisan”)

Their reputation and legitimacy is toast.


Manafort told NBC News that he was not aware of any investigation by the FBI, and said that any suggestion that he is connected to Russian President Vladimir Putin or his government is "Democratic propaganda” and “meant to deflect.”

At least he didn’t say “Democrat” propaganda. Shows ya he’s a man of the world.


Sometimes, when selling your nation out to Russia, one forgets the edicts of Limbaugh.


Ousted Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, Manafort’s predecessor, had suggested that those reports were a factor in Manafort’s resignation, citing the “potential distraction of more stories coming” about his overseas ties.

Hell hath no fury like a Trumpster scorned.


But since the FBI does not confirm it is even INVESTIGATING unless Congress whines and snivels we don’t ‘know’, right?

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Here TPM, use this picture instead:

It’s time to start making all pictures of The Enemy appear dark and foreboding, just like the assholes on the Reich Wing and their disgusting “mainstream” media supporters do to Democratic personages.



if the RNC was unaware of how much of how Trump was potentially compromised by his outside interests, they are completely aware now.

Now it makes them complicit to any future Trump action, but nope…not then or ever.

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Unfortunately, you are likely correct…

prolly an aide or security

at this point, he’s Charlemagne.

He’s got them this close to the promised land and considering what has happened in this cycle…nope.

It’s almost like the dysfunction we saw at the Secret Service, and the near-mutiny we have seen in the military, since Obama was elected president.

Or the members of SEAL who have rushed their politically motivated memoirs to print in order to cash in.

The right wing has become increasingly disoriented and waylaid since 2008, and gripped with a siege mentality, and that has made them more susceptible to grifters and cheats.